The Aquarius Full Thundermoon's path of Liberation

This Thursday, July 22nd the Sun returned to his home sign of the noble and dignified Leo. Our collective purpose has shifted from the emotional and intuitive realm to one of great radiance, creativity, and dynamic opportunities. Beware of allowing egoic demands and childish behavior to get in the way of the glory. This is moonth to shine as bright as you are willing, to activate your majestic inner child, and to express your gifts with glory.

Within the heart of the Magdalene, on Mary Magdalene's Feast Day, Venus goddess of love and beauty, and that which we value shifted into Virgo. Virgo is the glyph and sign of the virgin, one who is truly sovereign and claims ultimate dominion over their body. Mary Magdalene lived a life that today we can only explore through myths and transmissions. However, what resounds through time and space is that she walked her talk with complete devotion, and at all times came from a space of true spiritual authority. To explore these timeless teachings, you may join in sacred weaving here. And for those who are seeking to walk the path with an everlasting commitment to the embodiment of hierosgamos, I invite you to consider joining us on pilgrimage in Egypt, December 2021. You may email me direct for the official invitation.

Venus in Virgo is honestly challenged. Virgo wishes to organize, to refine, to function at optimal capacity. Venus wishes to harmonize, and quite often the dance of equity requires space free from analysis. The invitation with this transit is to sink deeper into the mirror of compassion through the lense of the great celestial mother. One may be able to pierce the veil of illusion, however choose to do so with grace.


Friday July 23rd at 10:37 pm EDT we welcome the first of two Aquarius Full Moons. As the Leo Sun illuminates the feminine principle that lives within each of us, we further activate this axis of the Lion and the Unicorn. There has been an elegant astrological dance of these archetypes since Venus and Mars met at 20° Leo on the 13th of July, and this promenade continues into August, and further into the future with the next Venus and Mars marriage in 2024.

July's Full Moon at 2° Aquarius wishes to be innovative, intuitive, electric and for Gaia's consciousness at large. Personally each one is being asked to go within to create inner security and stability in these times. Seeking assurance in the outer structures, namely government in these times is not where to commit. Instead we must build and support the communities we wish to experience.

The truth is that we are always supported by the subtle realms of Nature, the Elements and these forces ripple to Source consciousness. What is also true is that while we are in this human incarnation, one can never actually separate from Earth's consciousness. We are the Earth, and She is us. As Mercury in Cancer trines retrograde Neptune and Pallas Athene with this lunation, it is a beautiful time to sink into ceremony, divination, journaling, poetry, and art making to honor this Truth.

On Sunday, the 25th of July Mercury comes to oppose Pluto retrograde in Capricorn allowing for necessary topics to be discussed. Many of us have been raised to avoid challenging conversations, however the way out is through. Pluto is on a long passage of dissolving the oppressive patriarchal culture and each one of us has an intimate story that needs to be expressed. May you find your voice. This Wednesday July 27th Jupiter retrograde dips back into Aquarius for the completion of this transit, traveling alongside the transpersonal airy waterbearer until December 30, 2021. If you have Jupiter in Aquarius, enjoy the finale of your Jupiter return, as this is a time to take action steps to anchor your dreams to Earth. Do you wish to discover more about your personal astrology, and how the planets are informing you in these times?

My latest episode of Stars, Stones, and Stories entitled Chiron: The Mantle of Spiritual Maturity is here to serve you through these transits.