Experience the Magick of Astrology

That Pisces Full Moon was off the charts! I experienced so many moments of deep realizations, a completion of karmic ghosts and was given a full opportunity to dissolve with the Mother Ocean.


How are you integrating the massive clearing that has transpired?


We are now officially in retrograde season. All planets are in a retrograde cycle except for Venus. I invite you to tune into episode 59 of Stars, Stones, and Stories: The Golden Age of Ma'at for the full transmission on these retrogrades. This episode closes with a guided meditation with the Goddess Ma'at and an experience of the 42 codes of her teachings.


If you feel the desire to know how to decipher the language of astrology, I wish to extend the invitation for you to join in the first cohort of this foundations of astrology course I am offering.  Skywalkers begins this evening at 8 pm edt and all sessions will be recorded and accessible through our private course portal. 


I met astrology in my teens, however my passion for astrology deepened in my pregnancy as I was closing my Saturn Return. At the time, I lived in LA and spent my pregnancy walking 5 miles each day and meditating with my daughter growing within. I would check in regularly with my astrology mentor as we went deep into the shamanic realms of my chart. It was profound and the first time I had done such intentional psyche work.


5 years ago marked the beginning of an intense dark night of the soul journey that I've been navigating. I do not use those words lightly. Something shifted with this past weekend's Pisces Full Moon where I am certain that I am finally freeing myself and lifting from the depths. It's exhilarating. Astrology (and my yogic practice) have been my anchor and guiding light through the darkness.


Did you know that in the western world up until the seventeenth century astrologers and astronomers were one and the same? For nearly two hundred years astrology lost cultural respect and was pushed aside as meer parlor tricks for entertainment. 


In tonight's module we will explore the History of Western Astrology so that as your build your craft you will be able to decipher this art and science in a clear and grounded container. My intention with Skywalkers: Foundations in Astrology is that you fully immerse yourself within a knowing of how these archetypes wish to support your health, prosperity, your relationships, community connections and your ultimate soul purpose. I hope you will join us

Starry Blessings

Ra Ma ☥