How are You Falling into Fall?

This week opens with Venus in Virgo approaching the Virgin Sun and making a lovely trine with Uranus in Taurus, the Great Liberator through our Earthly connections. This is an ideal time to celebrate yourself and how far you have come in this year of 2022! Take a moment to offer devotion to your journey of growth and expansion.


Nearly all planets are retrograde except for the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and this late Summer retrograde season has proven to be abundant with many blessings and phenomenal transformation. It seems the places where so many of us have been stagnant for months and even the past few years, are finally coming to completion so that new beginnings may emerge. 


If you would like to explore this energy more in-depth, I invite you tune into this vlog I recorded a few days ago to break down this current cosmic weather. For a full expansive take on this season and to work with the Goddess Ma’at, tune into episode 59 of my pod Stars, Stones and Stories.


In the Northern Hemisphere we welcome Mabon, the season of Fall this Thursday 22nd September. At Autumn’s Gate we receive the second harvest, find balance through sacrifice with gratitude as the Sun moves into Libra at 9:04 pm EDT. We welcome the polarities of light and dark, young and old, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, conscious and unconscious as the Southern Hemisphere awakens to Spring.


The Autumnal Equinox is the doorway to winter, as Summer is complete and a new phase is beginning as the days become shorter and cooler. Ultimately this is a time of celebration, of giving thanks for all that the Earth provides for us in our lives.


As the Sun’s power is waning, this is a time to gather in. Look to Nature and follow the flow to collect ripening fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries. The outside work is tended to and there is a time to celebrate the harvest, including all of our relations. . .with the Earth, our family, friends, community, our achievements, the dreams that lay fallow, and that which may come back around. 


This is a time of balancing, of reconciling opposites and clearing up debris physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Dragon Day is celebrated on the Spring and Fall Equinox to remind us to honor the light and dark within, the masculine and the feminine that we all carry.  The Dragon consciousness is going back down deep into the Earth, carrying the Fire energy to the inner realms. 


Your noble spirit came to Earth to be a part of a great metamorphosis of human consciousness that creates healing for you and radiates that healing out all around you through the exquisitely entangled Web of Life.


You were born for these times!


The truth is that everywhere people are making a difference. We are rising. Even though this truth is largely unreported by the mainstream media, positive shifts are already happening all across the globe!


I am going to be presenting at the free New Humans• New Earth Summit in honor of this medicine walk, alongside other amazing healers and leaders.


I hope that you know down to your bones that YOU are an individual in a tribe of many who are recognizing we are co-creators, raising our consciousness, remembering our place in Nature, innovating unique new solutions for healing and restoration of ecosystems, reaching beyond our communities to link their hearts and minds with even more people with the same passion for being “the ones we’ve been waiting for.”


I hope you will join me for the LIVE: New Humans • New Earth Summit! I will be discussing the Power and Mysticism of Mantra this coming Saturday at 4 pm EDT and you may claim your complimentary space by clicking this link here. I look forward to circling with you!

In the meantime, you are welcome to book your private 1:1 session for astrological support during this retrograde season as we prepare for the Samhain Eclipse Season.

Mabon Blessings

Ra Ma ☥

woman with ankh at sacred site

ps. If you're feeling fomo that you didn't make it into the portal of Skywalkers: Foundations in Astrology, I've got you! I have left the gates open for two more days. You may register at this link by this Tuesday at noon edt.