Do You Wish to Decipher the Language of the Aquarian Age?

As we align with the Sagittarius waxing Moon this is a time for you to positively focus on your Virgo New Moon intentions and take action with your arrow precisely aligned with the target. You will manifest your dreams step by step, by believing in your magnetic good fortune and by avoiding arrogance.


I mentioned in my last pod how incredibly potent it is to write your intentions down daily for miracles to be your reality. It is scientifically proven that when you write something down with an actual pen and paper you are 44% more likely to see it come to fruition.


Astrology is an ancient art and science. I also see it as the language of the Aquarian Age. We are currently transitioning from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age was the age of wisdom and knowledge, where at times one had to commit an entire lifetime of devotion to receive one sacred teaching. Now all information is available to every being. 


This Aquarian Age is the age of experience, meaning that through your activiations you grow and expand. This is an age where who you are being and who you are with is everything. Astrology is essential in this age as it is a guide to decipher self-knowledge, the art of relating, moments in time and space, current events, future possibilities. Astrology offers an anchor for you to know where you literally land in time and space and what your mission is for this incarnation.


You are my future astrological colleague. I would be honored to mentor you through your journey through the foundations of astrology. By the way, even if you're a seasoned astrology it is always phenomenal to revisit the basics. Skywalkers: Foundations in Astrology is a 5 week live recorded virtual astrology course that begins the 13th of September. I crafted Skywalkers with consideration of what I have learned throughout my astrological education (and the ways I wish I had been initiated) and have carefully strategized on the delivery of the content. We will meet online for 7 recorded teachings, so if you cannot attend live, you will still receive the full benefits of this cosmic education. 


As this will be the first cohort, the investment is the lowest it will ever be AND you will have the opportunity to retake this foundations course again and again to master the basics. In addition, I'm offering some amazing bonuses which include:

  • a guided audio meditation journey through the planets

  • a guided audio meditation journey through the Zodiac

  • graphic downloads to enhance your learning and practice

  • a special bonus workshop: How to Discover the Soul Purpose in a Birth Chart


Will you Skywalk with me?

Starry Blessings

Ra Ma ☥