2022 Visioning

Venus Day blessings beautiful. How is this Venus Rx treating you? We are also in the shadow of Mercury retrograde, with Mercury's station approaching next Friday. Now is a good time to backup your technology and prepare to enter a time of supported reflection and review.

2022 begins with an opportunity to look at how much growth you experienced in the past few years, and from this space of recognition vision your year ahead. With Venus retrograde in Capricorn, she wishes to intrinsically align your values with the foundations of what you are building for the long term. This year has some phenomenal opportunities for spiritual growth and practice.

I will share more about these opportunites in depth in the 2022 Masterclass I am offering coinciding with a Cancer Full Moon ceremony on Moonday 17th of January. This masterclass will be live and recorded from 7-9 pm EST, providing an opportunity to map out the Eclipses, the multitude of retrogrades, USA Pluto return, and other significant astrological transits for 2022.

It is key that we utilize these energies strategically.

JP Morgan said millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do. I'd love to assist you in getting sophisticated in your life so that you may consciously work with these energies to be of service in these radical times.

You may follow this link to schedule your private session with me to envision your year ahead for 2022. I have limited availability in January as I'm finishing up my dissertation to receive a MA through the Sophia Centre, however would be honored to connect one on one with you.

Thank you for bringing me into your life through your inbox. I treasure this opportunity. I have been sending these Vensuian Love Notes each Friday for the past 8 years now. I love hearing how you receive these messages and what you are craving to hear more of, so feel free to hit reply and send me a message.

May we remember that we are the ones we've been waiting for. We are blessed to live in these times for we have the unique opportunity to apply the great wisdom of the Ages as we lay the foundation for the New Earth.