Super Capricorn New Moon

Super Capricorn New Moon

Exact Sunday January 3rd 2022 1:34 pm est
12°20' Capricorn

This New Moon opens the gates to 2022 which is sure to be a spiritually transformative year. As this New Moon and the New Year begin with Venus retrograde and Mercury in the shadow of retrograde, I believe this is a highly reflective lunation to vision. This isn't the kind of visioning that is quick and snappy. We are speaking to a deep, rich, methodical and multilayered visioning. Take time over the next few weeks to really sink in to what you wish to create, broadcast, and receive in 2022.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so this lunar cycle is asking you to focus on your foundations, to ensure they are strong and integral for what is your authentic and sovereign truth. Saturn's lessons ultimately teach one to be here NOW, offering lessons that guide to self mastery.

With Venus retrograde and conjunct Pluto in Capricorn we are collectively and personally continually being encouraged to strip away anything that is not in our truth. This is all about clarity and aligning with your soul's purpose. This is about coming fully into your body, and if something is not aligned, trusting in the innate body responses that you offer yourself. This is about tuning in, and becoming more subtle.

Just before the New Moon Mercury transited into Aquarius, and is very happy in this airy, intelligent, high minded and universal sign. Mercury will station retrograde on January 14th, therefore now is the time to back up your technology and prepare for the opportunity to reflect on your communication, and how it may be of greater service to humanity. Our words are spells, they are magickal intentions where we co create with the Multiverse.

With a powerhouse Capricorn stellium this New Moon, honor the need for structure and organization as you architect your moonth ahead, and ultimately your year ahead. Beware of the shadow energy of the need to control, as the Capricorn archetype is at times swayed by too much fear (false evidence appearing real).

The sabian symbol for 13° Capricorn is 'A fire worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence'. This is about the subjective quest for ultimates beyond the interplay between life and death. Rudhyar says, 'In times when collective, perhaps total, death could be in store for mankind, the process of subjective meditation is fascinating an ever-greater number of people'. Meditation and pure devotional practice are a balm for these times. These practices soothe our souls and clear out the distortions.

This is a timely synchronicity as in the Dagara cosmology we have just entered a fire year. The Fire element is the great mediator between this world and the Otherworld. This is the year of the Ancestors. When in doubt, go to your Ancestors. Have no fear, their medicine lives in your bones, so you do not have to look far to find them.

For a deeper dive into what your individual cosmic curriculum is for this 2022, you are invited to book a divination session with your's truly.

Blessed be,

Ra Ma