Meet me in the Liminial this Retrograde

Venus Day blessings beautiful. Today Mercury stationed retrograde and I immersed myself into recording episode 43 of Stars, Stones, and Stories for your listening pleasure. In this episode we explore Mercury retrograde through the lens of the psychopomp, namely Thoth. We also dive into the astrology of the Cancer Full Moon, Uranus direct, the Nodes of Fate shift into Taurus and Scorpio and how you may apply this wisdom to your life. A meditation to connect with the Silver Ray culminates this episode for deep healing and alignment. Let's tune in together.

In the true spirit of both Venus and Mercury retrograde I shifted the time of the 2022 Masterclass to now coincide with an Aquarius New Moon Lunar Imbolc ceremony on Tuesday, 1st February from 7-9 pm EST. This masterclass will be live and recorded providing an opportunity to map out the Eclipses, the multitude of retrogrades, USA Pluto return, and other significant astrological transits for 2022. I am really excited for this offering and know this new date is more appropriate given that the Aquarius New Moon truly opens the gates for 2022's miracle frequencies!

JP Morgan said millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do. I'd love to assist you in getting sophisticated in your life so that you may consciously work with these energies to be of service in these radical times. You may follow this link to schedule your private session with me to envision your year ahead for 2022. I have limited availability in January as I'm finishing up my dissertation, however I would be honored to connect one on one with you.

This year has some phenomenal opportunities for spiritual growth and practice, and this Mercury retrograde portal is a beautiful time to explore the liminal to experience the signs and symbols from the Otherworld.

Retrograde Blessings,

Ra Ma ☥