Renew and Review with the Virgo New Moon

Let’s be real, life can be dizzying. Our world demands so much from us; from the pressure of massive cultural shifts and technological advancements our nervous systems are overloaded with a barrage of information. It has become common to have a lack of discernment of knowing which tool to use when.

Our bodies hold portals of energy that are naturally attuned to the elemental rhythms.

However, when we lack a connection to Earth’s consciousness we lose sight of how to create energetic sovereignty. The solution is to anchor with the basics of a cyclical understanding of Nature based rhythms.

Which is why I’m proud to share something special with you that I have carefully cultivated over many, many moons now. Next Tuesday 7th September at 7 pm EDT I will share a global live teaching that will offer elementally inspired practices that will align you to develop a life that feels both grounded and magical. I hope you will join us!


Welcoming the Dark Moon in Leo

As the weekend sets in we welcome the Dark Moon in Leo, finally bringing closure to the Lion's Gate 8:8 Leo New Moon. We sink into a phase of stillness where one may welcome the magick of the Void. As an astrologer I love the Dark Moon phase as it is such a potent time for reflection and the mystery. This is also a time for closure. We are still feeling the power of the square between Pluto in Capricorn and Eris in Aries. Many people are suffering on planet Earth at this time. The potency of your prayer and practice is one of your greatest tools in these times.

The Virgo New Moon

The Virgo New Moon is exact on Monday September 6th at 8:52 pm EDT. Astronomically, this is the time when there is an alignment between the Sun, Moon and the Earth. Virgo symbolizes the maiden, the holistic healer and the humble servant. Virgo is all about mind-body healing with a true need to function efficiently while adapting to that which has been learned. Virgo season is an aligned time to activate discernment on all levels. Whether it is from clearing and cleaning your closets, drawers, pantries, office space, car, or psyche, this Virgo New Moon is the time to refine all we have experienced throughout 2021 into a distilled vision for what is to come.

The Sun and Moon meet up at 15° Virgo offering a time to celebrate deeds well done. Following in the footsteps of your ancestors with courage and integrity offers a gift from the unseen realm. Timing is everything, and the Elements are reminding us through this brutal astrology that all things arrive in their correct season. 2020 through 2025 is a time of massive upheaveling with a main focus on dissolving outdated paradigms. Our minds will always focus on what is not happening, however there is a subtle blessing of a rhythmic approach to a destiny.

As the New Moon is a phase of new beginnings it is helpful to draw upon childlike innocence when approaching your New Moon intentions. Consider where you may be of service, more discriminating, and where you may live with greater wholism. To learn more about how to work specifically with this New Moon, you may drop into episode 35 of Stars, Stones, and Stories: Grit and Grace.

If you feel called to discover three teachings to support you in cultivating an authentic, intimate connection with the cycles of life on Earth so you may open to elegant vitality, embodied presence, and deep resilience I will see you virtually next Tuesday at 7 pm EDT once your register HERE.