Grit and Grace with Pluto and Eris

If you are questioning everything amidst shedding your old identities, honestly, you are right on time.

Many of us are feeling immense loss as we are longing for the certainty of what was. The grief at times is overwhelming. For empathic and sensitive beings, living in these times is tumultuous.

Astrologically, we have been experiencing a series of squares between the Great Dissolver Pluto in Capricorn and the Great Disruptor Eris in Aries which began in 2020, resurfaced this summer, and will sail us into 2022. The next Eris Pluto square is exact Thursday 8/26 through Saturday 8/28. The cardinal signs will feel this most strongly, especially those with the degrees of 24-25° Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.


Eris and Pluto Face Off

Astrologically it is still under debate if Pluto ranks as a planet or a dwarf planet. Some say Eris is a dwarf planet, others deem her as an asteroid goddess. As Eris and Pluto face off in the square there are many truths delivered, no matter how uncomfortable or painful it must be brought to light. Eris is well known for her tough warrior presence with an undying motivation for revelation, and in Aries the delivery is especially volatile. Meanwhile Pluto in Capricorn continue to shift realities based on false pretences to another dimension. Pluto moves deliberately slow and steady, granting us with the dissolution of archaic structures since 2008. Together this combined force equates to vast tensions arising from the outmoded structures, belief systems, and relations so that every aspect of culture and society experiences rugged transformation.


Last Quarter Moon Phase

On Monday August 31st, Mercury transitions from Virgo into Libra as the Moon fades into her Last Quarter Moon phase. Our communication desires greater balance, equity, and justice to be distributed through all of our relationships. The Moon is bringing closure to a most potent and turbulent Lion's Gate New Moon portal. Now is the time to reflect back, not just over the past lunar cycle, but since the Great Conjunction, and perhaps even the Leo New Moon of 2018. As dreams shift there are seeds of integrity that must be coveted, just as the tender parts of our hearts must be looked after.

The Age of Experience

2021 is for certain a year of radical illumination. To feel so much can seem to be a weakness, yet in actuality it is a great gift. We are here having these human experiences for growth and evolution. This Aquarian Age is the Age of Experience. We learn through what we go through. These are the times to find greater presence. I hope that you have a daily practice. As you root into a daily practice may you allow it to be an opportunity of gateway to embodiment in the world at large. These are challenging times. As one glimpses back through time and space it was in the darkest ages that the most beautiful art and creativity was birthed. We need you here and now.

I invite you to tune into episode 35 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories: Grit and Grace where we explore the Pluto in Capricorn squaring Eris in Aries and what this means for us collectively. Let's journey together