Venus's shift into Scorpio

On this Friday, Venus Day, Venus goddess of what we love, value, and treasure ingresses into the sign of Scorpio. Venus is here to harmonize through sensuality, our relations, the social world, and ultimately culture. With Venus in Scorpio there is a desire to penetrate the hidden depths and bring a new layer of mastery to our human liberty as we experience it in the day to day.

Knowing that Scorpio's shadow frequency may bring the intensity of the grim reaper, we must all be conscious to traverse this time with sensitivity and consent. Trauma is stored within the body. One attainment of spiritual embodiment through Venus in Scorpio is a profound opportunity to heal the body temple, particularly to heal the sacral chakra, bringing purification to the womb space.

Luna shifts into Sagittarius and her First Quarter Moon on Moonday, September 13th. We are seeking adventure and philosophical understanding as the Moon becomes equal dark and light. As the roots of our Virgo New Moon's intentions dive down into the Earth, the stems and leaves of possibility are awakened. This is a time to clear away obstacles with great optimism and a persistence with the strengths of a wild stallion running through the wind.

The following day Mars moves from earthy and mutable Virgo to intelligent and assertive Libra. Mars signifies our drive, aim, and force. Mars connects to the vitality of the body, and gives each one of us an opportunity to master the energy of our physical bodies. Mars in Libra is challenged as it ultimately wishes to move the will forward with pure instinct. Libra on the other hand utilizes the power of ideas and concepts to bring elegance and equity. In Mars's timing this can take ages and has a high probability to build tense energy. That being said, Mars in Libra does offer an opportunity to deliver more justice into all of your partnerships.

We are closing out Lammas, however it feels as if Fall is already here. Equinox is exact on Wednesday, September 22nd. These are the times to continue doing the deep, inner work, as this is where the rewards are.

Learn more about the Fall Equinox and the key astrological transits through Stars, Stones, and Stories, with a fresh episode dropping by the 13th of September. Unfortunately, I spent over an hour recording this podcast for you all and then my software crashed and I lost everything. Therefore I have to re-record, but won't be able to until after the weekend has past as I am going into deep prayer for a number of days. Thank you for your patience.

If you are seeking a thriving live, virtual container to learn how to navigate these radical times with true embodiment through the cycles of Nature and the medicine of the stones, please consider joining EarthSeed, a nine week course that also builds community. We would love for you to join us in this Fall immersion.

Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma
