Activate Your Inner Seeker, Artist, Priestess, and Priest with the Pisces Full Moon

The Earth patiently awaits the elevation of her status. She is here to assist each one of us in resurrecting the codes of consciousness. In honor of this medicine, and a proclamation to building community, the wisdom of the stones and crystals, the lunar phases, and the solar gates I have crafted an experiential course called EarthSeed, which is the foundation to my budding mystery school. I invite you to fall deeper in love with yourself through a nine week live virtual course EarthSeed, offering essential principles and practices to navigate these radical times. We begin the Fall council this Tuesday, September 21st and you are most welcome!

Active Your Inner Seeker, Artist, Priestess, and Priest
The Pisces Full Moon comes in to wash over each one of us on Monday, September 20th at 7:54 pm EDT. This 29° Pisces Moon is illuminated by the Virgo Sun. You are being pulled by the lunar frequencies to brightly imagine and commit your Earthwalk to this realization of your sacred dreams. Pisces Full Moons are incredibly luscious and a favored time to activate your inner seeker, artist, priestess, and priest. As this lunation is tender, deep, and sensitive, begin to note your dreams particularly from Saturday through Wednesday nights. Trust your intuitive knowings.

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Pisces shadow energy wishes to escape and avoid reality. As we move into the weekend it is a time to be mindful about what you bring into your body and consciousness. This Full Moon is conjunct Neptune and Pallas Athene which are both retrograde. There is immense creativity and visioning that is available during this moon of celebration, which is even more supported through the Virgoian wisdom of declaring embodiment in each moment. Neptune is a higher octave of Venus and wishes to support our imagination and spiritual evolution, while Pallas Athene demonstrates creative intelligence and in Pisces she is all about communicating through light, color, sound, texture, symbols, and frequencies.

Fall Equinox: The Gateway to Winter
We shift from the season of Lammas to Mabon, on Wednesday September 22nd. Fall equinox is marked by an equal length of day and night as the Sun enters the sign of Libra. This is a time to celebrate the Harvest Festival, enjoying all that the Earth has provided through our love and devotion. The Autumn Equinox opens the gateway to winter. As Summer is complete, a new phase is beginning as the days become shorter and cooler. We begin to gather in, collecting the ripening fruits, nuts, mushrooms, berries while the outside work is organized and executed to prepare for the necessity of warmth.

Libra Season for All of Our Relations
Libra season shifts our focus from personal embodiment and refinement to all of our relations. This is a time of year to focus on building bridges, cooperating with others, and calling in more harmony in our lives. There is an invitation to enjoy community, and to gather in ways that feel healthy and nourishing. As Libra is ruled by Venus, may you call forth the beauty way into your day to day. Freshen up your altars, give offerings to the Earth and your Ancestors, and declare your thanks for all of the support and abundance that is flowering in your life. Let's continue this conversation within my most recent podcast episode.