An Aquarian Blue Moon

On Thursday August 19th 9:41 pm EDT Uranus stationed retrograde at 14°47’ Taurus until January 22, 2022. Uranus is the key to our personal and collective illumination. Uranus invokes super intuitive genius potential wherever it resides in our chart. Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury, and as the awakener demonstrates change, freedom, rebellion and revolution. In Taurus, Uranus asks each one of us to anchor into our values now, more than ever before. With this retrograde motion, we have an opportune time to sync up our lives wherever we feel we may have lost integrity. As Uranus invokes the avant garde, this is a time to rethink how we relate to resources on Gaia. Mother Earth is calling for each one of us to claim her as our own, meaning to truly acknowledge that ultimately we are children of this planet Earth.

Uranus changes the arrangement or positions of affairs, and these effects may be exhilarating and amazing for some, and deeply unnerving for others. As the energy liberates, it is also shocking. We must tend to our food and water supplies, build up local economies, and invest in the global markets we believe in. Retrogrades offer an opportunity for reflection. Now all outer and generational planets are retrograde including Jupiter, Pallas Athene, Eris, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Nothing is guaranteed here on Earth. Do not take anything for granted. Autonomy is key. As we develop our sovereignty, it is also essential to craft solid and loving communities to overcome obstacles.

We are being led to a new level of being. A collective and personal liberation is happening now to free each one of us from our former ways, our habitual states of mind, so that new waves of thought patterns may be welcomed.

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On Sunday, August 22nd at 8:01 am EDT the Full Moon peaks at 29°36' Aquarius. As this is the second Aquarius Full Moon in 2021 we arrive at a Blue Moon moment that is ultimately Uranian ruled. With the 29th degree of Aquarius our spiritual mastery is being requested as we look to the polarities of Leo and Aquarius. How may we bridge personal and impersonal love, romance and friendship, passion and detachment, the center and the circumference? These are times of turbulence, as radical change is needed to anchor us into the Aquarian Age.

This Blue Moon is conjunct Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius distilling another layer of awareness offered during the Great Conjunction of December 21, 2020. A grand air trine weaving Venus in Libra, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and the collective North Node in Gemini speaks to innovation and fresh insights that may stream forth in this lunation.

It seems the best way to stay true to these heightened experiences on Earth is meet the intensity of the current struggles with deep presence and resiliency. On one hand we must be detached, and on the other we must be fully attuned and awakened with all senses. I invite you to tune into episode 34 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories: Vessels of the Light where we explore the Blue Moon and Uranus retrograde in depth. Let's journey together

Just hours after the alignment of the full moon the Sun shifts into humble Virgo. Our collective duty is to devote with steady consistency, to organize, to analyze, to heal, yet to also understand that perfection is not attainable in the realm of the physical.

Hermes Trismegistus crafted the well known expression as above, so below, however what often is forgotten is that it continues with, as below, so above.

We are in constant conversation with the stars above. Our fate is not sealed. We are the ones we've been waiting for, and these are the times we've been preparing for. What matters now more than ever is how each one of us walks through these times.