Softening within the Squares

Moonday blessings dear One,

The Moon has just reached her first quarter phase. This lunation phase is always a time of crisis in action, where decisions must be made to fulfill the activation, and this is particularly significant as we are building from the Lion's Gate New Moon of 8:8. As the Sun and Moon are squaring, so are Pluto and Eris. Meanwhile we are still feeling the effects of the Saturn and Uranus square. This translates to high tensions which often ignite a desire to control, particularly that which cannot be controlled.  

This Lion's Gate portal is expanding humanity in a myriad of ways. As we live on a polarity planet this means we are bound to witness extremes. Our dedication to our self love and self care practices, kindness, and compassion will take us beyond the brutality of this experience.

These are the times to soften the spaces and places deep within that have hardened, particularly within the chambers of your heart. The practice of softening will offer a greater vitality for you to stand firm in your values.

These past six weeks have layered on more and more intensity astrologically to a canvas that was already heavy and dripping with wet paint. I know we are all feeling it, myself included. I am committed to delivering my weekly Venusian Love Notes each Friday and podcasts every other Friday. That being said, there are times and spaces where it is just not possible due to all that life is asking.

Thank you for your patience for these current transmissions. An Aquarius Blue Moon: Vessels of the Light is now live. In episode 34 of Stars, Stones, and Stories I speak in depth about the current astrology including the upcoming Uranus retrograde and the second Aquarius Full Moon of 2021. Let's journey together
