Begin Your Journey to Freedom Amidst a Kaleidoscope of Possibility

We are welcoming the Summer Cross Quarter of Lammas while simultaneously feeling the alignment of the Mars Uranus North Node conjunction in Taurus. As this marriage occurs the reminder for you to align with your values comes to the surface. In fact, at times it may shock you awake. 


Although sometimes you may feel like hiding under a rock, this is the time to shine bright and be courageous!


In episode 56 of Stars, Stones and Stories: A Kaleidoscope of Possibility you will have an opportunity to learn more about how to navigate the astrology between now and the Aquarius Supermoon with grace and regality.


I invite you to begin your journey to freedom amidst a kaleidoscope of possibility. You may tune in here


On Moonday the 8th of August the Lion's Gate opens for massive prosperity potential. This is a time of year that the Ancient Egyptians welcomed the heliacal rise of Sirius, the home to the Great Mother Isis. Ultimately this is a time to step into your personal majesty with the fierce protection of the Lion. 


I will be offering a live global teaching where we will explore the astrology, cosmology and mythology of the Lion's Gate and I know that you will benefit from joining in this communion. Here is the link to claim your space.


For a private experience--if you are seeking clarity within this intense time or an understanding of your unique soul path, click here to book your next high caliber divination session.

High Summer Blessings

Ra Ma ☥