Welcoming Your Royal Self this Leo Season

We are currently building to a profound Mars Uranus North Node conjunction in the sign of Taurus. As these energies are colliding, the momentum of their marriage is absolutely magnetic. Mars is all about how we move energy forward, the vitality and power with which action occurs. Uranus is the maverick, the liberator, and the frequency of great change for our ultimate freedom. The North Node signifies the dharma and destiny one is called to. 


The second pass of the US Pluto Return and the Capricorn Full Moon were extremely intense and offered a gaze back into the Saturn Pluto conjunction from January 2020. We faced these alignments in mid July, and they have offered great clearing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The Mars Uranus North Node alignment will be exact the 31st July-1 August and will continue to impact each one of us throughout the month of August. This Thursday we welcome the Leo New Moon at 1:54 pm EDT which will carry the codes of the Mars Uranus North Node marriage. 


Now, in our collective there is a Call, a potential for a lasting transformation that occurs within a split second. 


On Moonday the 8th of August the Lion's Gate opens for massive prosperity potential. This is a time of year that the Ancient Egyptians welcomed the heliacal rise of Sirius, the home to the Great Mother Isis. Ultimately this is a time to step into your personal majesty with the fierce protection of the Lion. I will be offering a live global teaching where we will explore the astrology, cosmology and mythology of the Lion's Gate and hope you will join us!


This is wormhole astrology, very similar to an eclipse moment where many moments of timebending are available. Many of us have been called into deep rest and stillness, which I believe has been offered so that you may show up in your clarity to these alignements.


This is an essential time to go deep within to meet your authenticity through your High Self, your Goddess God self. The invitation is to welcome your royal self this Leo Season.


It has been nearly two weeks since I landed after a phenomenal pilgrimage to Egypt, England, and Wales. My landing was a bit bumpy and I have found that deep rest has been necessary to craft the space that is needed for this integration period. Unfortunately I lost my voice for some time due to an illness and have been unable to record my podcast, however you can expect episode 56 will be live this Venus Day on the 29th of July. 

In the meantime, for those who reside in Appalachia, you are invited to join us this Wednesday evening for the Leo Dark Moon Women's Wisdom Circle--only two spaces remain, so if you are called claim yours now. As always, I am available for high caliber astrology and tarot divination sessions to support your transformation in these wild times.

In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma ☥