Be Boundless

Deep within your bones you yearn for an intimate, grounded connection with all of life

Venus Day Blessings Beautiful, 

Imagine living each day with elegance, in sync with Nature’s rhythms. Your very presence glows. You emit an energetic signature of a life consciously woven that clarifies with air, passionately creates with fire, renews with water, and is anchored with earthly pleasures.

In reality you may find that you do not even give enough attention to your own self care. At times you may feel like you do not even belong on this planet. Sensations of isolation, insignificance, and helplessness become daily experiences. Your body may even present as overly sensitive to toxins in the environment, bombarded with allergies, or electromagnetic frequencies.

Life can be dizzying. Our world demands so much from us; from the pressure of massive cultural shifts and technological advancements our nervous systems are overloaded with a barrage of information. It has become common to have a lack of discernment of knowing which tool to use when. Our bodies hold portals of energy that are naturally attuned to the elemental rhythms. However, when we lack a connection to Earth’s consciousness we lose sight of how to create energetic sovereignty.

The solution is to anchor with the basics of a cyclical understanding of Nature based rhythms. Join me in Three Transformational Principles to Navigate these Radical Times.

There is an undertone being broadcast from the overculture that makes us feel as humans that we have run out of the earth's resources and that there is not enough for everyone.

What would this world be like if we were given the permission to live in a where there is enough for everyone? Where the set of rules by which we are living by are in support of human culture and potential?

The truth is that the Earth is boundless, the Earth is limitless. You are boundless. You are limitless.

We are collectively birthing the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces and this marriage wishes to bestow a new paradigm to assist us to connect to the multitude of resources from the Earth herself. We will be discussing this astrology in depth in my upcoming workshop tonight at West Asheville Yoga Be Boundless and in St. Pete, FL this Sunday at Multiplying Miracles. I would be honored to circle up with you in community!

In the meantime, stay tuned​ for episode 48 of my pod Stars, Stones, and Stories dropping later this Venus Day.

In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma ☥