You are the Portal

Ostara blessings beautiful One,

The Solar Gates have shifted as has the Wheel of Time. Since this past Sunday we in the Northern Hemisphere have shifted into Spring Equinox while the Southern Hemisphere has progressed into Fall Equinox. With this passage comes the rebirth of the zodiacal wheel, as we have entered Aries Season. By next Sunday, Mercury will also be in Aries featuring the Sun, Chiron, Pallas Athene, and Eris. This is a time of great initiation to claim our most courageous parts of self.

Regardless of which hemisphere you reside in, this is a time where the Dragon energies of the Earth stir. For us in the North there is a great awakening and ascension of energy, while our sisters and brothers in the South are experiencing a descending force to prepare for stillness. These Equinox transformations are potent times to reflect with the Earth, and it is important to get outdoors in the Elements regardless of the weather.

As there is so much stress our human family is currently experiencing, it is our communion with the Earth that will bring the greatest healing. Regardless of where in the world you live, I imagine you may find a beloved tree to sit with your back against and meditate. Affirm your positive intentions while giving gratitude for that which is working well for you, as those blessings magnetize more of that flow.

Our bodies hold portals of energy that are naturally attuned to the elemental rhythms.

However, when we lack a connection to Earth’s consciousness we lose sight of how to create energetic sovereignty. The solution is to anchor with the basics of a cyclical understanding of Nature based rhythms.

Which is why I’m proud to share something special with you that I have carefully cultivated over many, many moons now. Next Tuesday 29th March at 7 pm EDT I will share a global live teaching that will offer elementally inspired practices that will align you to develop a life that feels both grounded and magical.

I hope you have found time to tune into episode 47 of my podcast Forces of Liberation. I have so many offerings and would love to see you in person this Spring. You may scroll down to see the upcoming events.

On another note, I am in the midst of transitioning my provider for these devotional letters, and wish to make sure we are able to stay connected. Please take the extra action by following this link and you will receive a gift that invites you to feel luminous with 8 simple practices for you to ground in these wild times compiled by yours truly.

In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma ☥