⚤One of the Sweetest Zodiacal Moments of 2021

This Venus Day, Friday 9th of July our initiation into Cancer Season sinks even deeper with the New Moon. The Moon and Sun meet up at 9:16 pm EDT in the sign of the Great Mother, the all engulfing nurturer to remind each one of us that first and foremost, we must take care of ourselves. Being a caretaker is a holy act, and it is far from selfish. This watery, intuitive sign is deeply protective and reflective.

Where 19° of Cancer lives within your chart is the space that is seeking nourishment. This new lunar cycle, which is the first since our transformative Beltane Eclipse portal, instills each one of us to craft a sanctuary for the soul to light up deep from within. Within this containment we may have the opportunity to solve the riddles within riddles, and to be restored to our most magickal, vibrant inner mystery.


All of that being said, the astrology is still mighty. Pluto opposes the Moon and Sun, continually reminding each one of us that we are also in the midst of generational deprogramming and dissolving.

The new normal, at least for now, is that some days are brutally fierce and challenging, meanwhile other days feel like miracles live in between each breath. The reality is that both are true, particularly the miracles that the great Elements bestow upon us day after day.

On Sunday 11th of July, Mercury the messenger god of how we communicate, learn, speak, and share information moves from airy and intellectual Gemini to join the Sun in Cancer. Our communication deepens, provides and becomes more tender. This leads up to one of the sweetest zodiacal moments of 2021.

On Tuesday 13th of July Venus and Mars marry in passionate, creative, noble, and radiant Leo. Venus, who is the goddess of love and beauty, harmonizes our values. Mars, god of war and action, represents how we project and move energy forward in the three dimensional plane. These two have archetypes that are much more expansive and in many ways their conjunction represents the mystical marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. This communion is hierosgamos, and it is a journey each human has the opportunity to embark upon in their lifetime.

I discuss this in depth in my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories episode 31 and in an upcoming virtual masterclass I am offering. This month opens up a celestial gate to the star Sirius, also known as Sopdet by the Egyptians, preparing us for August 8's Lion's Gate portal. The Cancer New Moon is exact this binary star that is both brilliant white and yellow. Sirius is believed to be a wisdomkeeper for the Earth.

This is a time of great dreaming, imagination, prayer, prosperity, and manifestation. May you carve time to honor your Soul's authentic desires. I would love to weave in sacred space with you in the two part Hierosgamos Masterclass I am offering this July.

Infinite Blessings,

Ra Ma ☥