Maverick Love Illuminated

On this Venus Day, the Sun swallows Venus as she burns off the dross in all that we love. We are in a potent time of transformation, as we continue through our cosmic evolution. The astrology keeps on delivering each one of us in a way so that we may embody our essence. There is no arrival point. Instead it is an experience of layers being pulled back.

This weekend we welcome a most potent Libra Full Moon that opposes the Sun conjunct Chiron and Venus at 9° Aries. To learn more about these powerful celestial alignments, please check out episode 24 of Stars, Stones, and Stories: Maverick Love Illuminated with Venus and Chiron Conjunct. In this episode we dive into the maverick capabilities of Chiron. In my interpretation he is the Rainbow Bridge between our 3d Earthly manifestation to our most cosmic abilities, ultimately offering quantum capabilities. Dive in with me here!

Navigate these Radical Times was such a potent gathering. I am still receiving feedback from those who came on live that is refreshing and deeply touching. I have been deep in creation mode, and it feels amazing to know that which I am in devotion to is answering a Call many of you are seeking.

Therefore, I have decided to offer an encore teaching of Three Principles to Navigate these Radical Times. I wish to invite you once more to this complimentary global teaching I am offering this Saturday March 27th at 1 pm PDT/4 pm EDT/8 pm GMT. I promise that this will be special! The feedback I have received from our closing guided meditation has been profound! I know it will serve you. Claim your space here if you are not already on the list.

Life is wild these days, and like you I struggle with the intensity of juggling everything. What has been my anchor is my daily practice. This carries me through thick and thin. I’ve created this offering to share with you three principles that have anchored my practice in these metamorphic times.

After exploring these three principles and how they synthesize, I will guide you on a journey to connect with your Earth Star chakra and meet Great Grandmother Hematite at the core of Terra Gaia, our Mother Earth.

This experience will anchor you to the wisdom of stones as allies, and assist you to ground so that you open to your inherent ability to feel empowered, actualize your dreams, and thrive in everyday reality while being open to higher realities.

Join this ecosystem of people all over Earth to explore this dynamic, yet elegant practice.

Chirotic blessings,

Ra Ma ☥
