Libra Full Moon

I'm writing to you in honor of a special gift. If you were unable to attend my live teaching on Three Transformational Principles to Navigate these Radical Times, I've got you! Here is the recording from this teaching. My prayer is that from watching this you are illuminated and uplifted.

During the teaching I unveiled what I have been working on behind the scenes for over 18 moons now. I have created a 9 week live online course that offers you a potent set of nature based modalities to assist you in living an authentic, intimate connection with the cycle of life on Earth so that you may live with vitality, elegance, and presence. 

This experiential offering is highly interactive and is honestly a weaving of my own path of knowledge and experience. It includes 9 live course sessions, weekly course materials, live Q&A sessions, and a community of like minded individuals through our own private and secure forum.

I invite you to join EarthSeed: Essential Principles and Practices for Personal Empowerment in these Radical Times.  

Over time humanity has fallen away from the natural cycles of the Earth. Our understanding of these rhythms is distorted, which results in a lack of self-care, and a spaced out existence. 

Our postmodern overculture has taught us that progress is measured through technological advancements, meanwhile each time we reach for a device we get a dopamine hit to our brain that sends a cascade of hormones through the body. We are literally addicted to these devices. 

The truth is, every moment is a miracle.

Through the techniques and knowledge offered in EarthSeed you will fall in love with yourself and the Earth all over again. 

By the end of this journey you’ll experience:

  • Simple guidance and distilled information on how aligning with the rhythms of the Sun and Moon may support your life.

  • An intimate connection with stones and crystals rooted in an ancient Daoist lineage. These allies carry deep intelligence, a multitude of healing properties, and assist in activating and regulating your chakras.

  • Knowledge and practices to connect with the wheels of light within your body, known as chakras. These multidimensional vortexes of subtle energy regulate your physical body, including major organs, your endocrine, and nervous systems. Keeping your chakras clear and activated is essential to healthy boundaries and energetic sovereignty.

  • Lasting tools that will inspire you to develop your own unique daily practice, cultivating vitality. The journey through EarthSeed crafts a safe space for you to draw upon your own inner authority, while also comprehending the importance of grounding as daily maintenance.

  • The ability to manifest a life that is fully embodied, with a strong connection to the Earth Mother, where you feel centered in your intuitive abilities and confident in anchoring cosmic energy.

When you register, you will also receive these beautiful bonuses I have put together for you that will support this experiential learning process. . .

Early registration Bonus: Great Grandmother Hematite Ancestral Healing This expires Wednesday, March 31st at midnight EDT!

An ebook written by yours truly that explains what Ancestral Healing is, why it is essential for these times, and how to begin your journey with Hematite as your anchor. 

Bonus #1: Self-Love Grounding Guide 

My 8 Tried and True Techniques for Grounding

Bonus #2: Great Grandmother Hematite Ancestral Healing guided meditation sound journey

Audio recording

Bonus #3: Wheel of the Year, Phases of the Moon Rituals

A guide of simple rituals to embody each Solar Gate and each phase of the Moon including my New Moon manifestation guide

Bonus #4: Guided Meditation to activate and Regulate your Body’s Chakras with Stone Allies

Audio recording 

Bonus #5: Stone Medicine Gridding for Devotion

An ebook I crafted to introduce you on how to create stone medicine and crystal grids, with an emphasis on devotion. 

If you feel called to participate in this ecosystem of visionary stewards who are consciously shifting our paradigm, then please join in this 9-week online course.

You may read the details and register here: EarthSeed

Venusian Chirotic blessings,

Ra Ma ☥

PS. My ebook Great Grandmother Hematite Ancestral Healing is only available until this Wednesday, March 31st at midnight EDT. I know this will support you in opening up the gates into your Ancestral Healing journey. For more information on the course, you may dive in here.
