From Consumption to Creation Culture

This week we complete the third quarter phase of the moon, drawing the Lion's Gate Leo New Moon from August to closure. In some ways a mission has concluded, and now you are being asked to reorient yourself towards the future. Mars stationed retrograde on Wednesday September 9th and will travel backwards until November 13th. Mars is in his home sign of Aries until mid January of 2021, so the journey we are on now is a true initiation. The greatest aspect to come home to, is to truly witness how you utilize your sacred lifeforce. As Mars is in an intense square to Saturn in Capricorn, this is a time to be nimble, buoyant, and fluid. You are being guided to come home to your pure instinctual self, while healing the spaces and places where the patriarchy has waged war on your psyche. The astrology of these times is sobering and sophisticated. It is brutal, yet like the process of carbon becoming a diamond. The pressure is truly offering an opportunity to burn off the dross. 

Saturday, September 12th fortunate and expansive Jupiter turns direct after four months of retrograde. We've had plenty of time to analyze and reorient our plans. The cosmos will begin to offer more forward motion energy, as three months remain to find meaning with Jupiter's transit in structural Capricorn. On Thursday, September 17th at 7 am EDT the Virgo New Moon at 25° rises to the occasion. This moon wishes to efficiently assist you with building your dreams. As the Moon and Sun both trine Saturn in Capricorn, there is an added emphasis from the heavens on anchoring and manifesting, especially in a practical and precise way. The collective Nodes of Fate within the Gemini Sagittarius access also square the Sun and Moon urge you to be curious, intelligent, and inventive as together, we are truly building the New Earth.

If you wish to learn more about the cosmic insights of this lunation, locals may circle up for the Virgo Dark Moon Womxn's Wisdom gathering where we will meet live in my studio sanctuary. Four spaces remain, so do rsvp if you plan to attend! I am offering a Virgo Virtual New Moon Council 9/17 at 8 pm EDT. Information on signing up for both events is listed below. Also, episode 10 from consumption to Creation Culture of my podcast just dropped! I do hope you will take a listen, and I'd love to hear what you think. Scroll down to learn more about this episode.