Cultural Renaissance

Why it is SO intense right now? To learn more, check out episode 9 of my podcast Cultural renaissance: collapse and renewal. In this episode I discuss the tension in the skies that is creating the tension you are most likely feeling, the Pisces Full moon that we will experience next Wednesday and a ritual to mark this time. However, what I am most excited to share with you is an interview I captured with artists Ken Vallario and Callie Ferraro Ayers in honor of A Light of Hope art installation in Asheville NC. This episode also culminates with a deeply restorative yoga nidra guided journey. Listen in here.

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We are building up to the Pisces Full Moon on Wednesday September 2nd, exact at 1:22 am EDT. As we have entered the season of refinement with the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, this is the time to reflect on the harvest you are reaping, to celebrate your achievements. 2020 has undoubtedly been a year of dismantling and dissolving old, outworn paradigms that literally harken back to the birth of the patriarchy as we know it on Earth. Life is most likely feeling intense and pressurized for you as Mars in Aries is squaring Saturn in Capricorn. As these two planets are in their home signs, and given all that we have sacrificed thus far in 2020, it is clear there is still more healing to face deep within. This upcoming full lunation is urging you to reflect upon your dreams, your high heart, with the collective destiny in mind.

To support you in these times I've got some offerings both locally and virtually. You may scroll down below and click on any of the images for more information. I'm always available for one-on-one sessions of astrological divination and spiritual mentorship.