a Gemini New Moon

Venus Day blessings on this glorious Gemini New Moon. We officially opened Gemini season this Wednesday, and typically this time of year is quite light, bright, airy, and very positive. However, truth be told, we are in the midst of a magnetic retrograde season that is demanding deep and true reflection of that which needs to be brought to closure. This Gemini New Moon also opens up a potent Spring/Summer Eclipse Season that I describe in detail of my latest podcast episode.

Today's New Moon features a conjunction between both Venus in her retrograde in Gemini, and the chart ruler of Mercury in Gemini. There is much to reflect upon our regarding how you dance and communicate in your most significant relationships, and what you truly value in this sacred existence. Mercury and Venus are conjunct Vesta, so may it be that you are devoted to speaking and loving in such an authentic way, staying wildly open with butterfly wings of curiosity. As Mercury squares Neptune, you must continually weave back to both our personal and collective dreams, to make sure you are on track, and if not, that you are willing to revise, particularly as you cast out your Gemini New Moon seeds.

Again, please check out my latest podcast episode as this is a labor of love I have crafted for you, The Multiverse is Speaking through YOU: Why you matter more than ever, with a focus on how to work with this Eclipse season. I'd love to hear from you. . .are you liking the podcast? Is there any feedback or requests on future episodes you have?