Retrograde Season is Upon Us

Venus Day blessings. This week has been quite a wild one, yes? We have had three planets station retrograde from Saturn, to Venus, to Jupiter. Now we find the planet of self-mastery, the planet of that which we love and value, and the planet of spiritual expansion and wisdom igniting an emphasis on reevaluation, reassessment, and realignment. Venus has a particular Call as she is tracing an 8 year cycle that began May 2012 when she retrograded in the sign of Gemini, the butterfly medicine of duality. We are in a deep dive to fully embody our values in all aspects of our life on Earth.

I found myself today feeling an immense amount of grief as I was driving in my hometown. The traffic was furious, and it feels like so many are itching to return to life as it was. I was able to trace my grief to the sensation of celebration of the beauty of life, the human spirit, and also a deep longing that we refuse to fall into a state of complacency and normalcy given all that we have witnessed in the past two months.

The status quo we have been operating at for many hundreds of years is not serving the collective, nor our Earth Mother.

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I launched my podcast last week and next Friday will deliver episode 2 of Stars, Stones, and Stories: The Multiverse is Speaking through YOU: Why you matter more than ever, with a focus on how to work with this Eclipse season. As each one of us is literally free falling through the cosmos with this wild astrology of 2020, I pray we are making our choices from the seat of sovereignty. In the meantime, check out my ig feed for current cosmic weather transmissions.