Health and Wealth with the Virgo Supermoon πŸŒ•

Today’s Full Moon was exact at 1:48 pm EDT. This Supermoon weaves back to the Virgo New Moon in August 2019, while another thread weaves back to the New Moon in Virgo in September of 2018. This is a time to pay attention to both the smaller stories and the larger stories that are being played out on the planet at this time, in our personal lives, and in the collective. Particularly as the detailed minutiae of Virgo opposes the cosmic consciousness of Pisces.

Each full moon is a time of culmination and celebration. In the world of modernity, we often forget to celebrate. Instead, we just move on from one situation to the next. This supermoon is a beautiful time to pause, reflect, and celebrate that which you have learned, that which you have achieved. Where have you grown? Where have you expanded? Where are you proud of yourself?

Virgo wishes to shed a light on where one may need to tend more to health, wether it is emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual health. Health is wealth, and we all have areas that we work diligently, and others that we tend to focus on less.  This supermoon is shining a lense to the forgotten spaces. What needs your tending at this time? Perhaps there are spaces in your home that need cleaning, or altars that need revitalizing? Perhaps your physical body needs more time outdoors, immune boosting herbs and minerals, and longer stretches of sleep?

Shortly after the full moon, Mercury goes direct, tracing over the degrees from 28Β° Aquarius, back into watery Pisces. This Mercury retrograde season has been phenomenal, as it has revealed many truths, particularly in the realms of spirituality and collective consciousness. 

It is clear that the consciousness on Earth is rising higher. The powers that be are working hard to distract this movement of humanity through politics, fear, and mass deception. However, we the people are unstoppable.

One way to look at the coronavirus, is as a reflection of all in the collective subconscious that needs to be cleared. There are many layers of fear that must be removed from the human psyche. Unconscious emotions are everywhere, so it is essential each one of us most go within to clear the fear paradigms. Each one of us is a hologram for the collective. As one meets fear head on and dissolves it, a map is created for others to follow suit. It is essential we are keeping our vibrations high in this NOW moment. To assist you on this, I have recorded a guided meditation as linked below. Please note, I also believe in wise health prevention and education!

May you utilize the power and clarity of this lunation to activate mind over matter. You have the power and ability to direct the cells of your being to maintain great health. Yes, we should be tuned in to the current events and well educated, however there is never a time to fear. Fear is wasted energy that serves only the lower vibrations of the planet. As Hafiz said, 'Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I'd like to see you in better living conditions.' It is time for us to be centered in our God/dess consciousness at all times.

Dreamy Neptune is tightly conjunct the Sun in Pisces.  Gaze softly into the dream you are dreaming. Where does the dream need to be modified? Is there perhaps a different perspective you are being asked to call in at this time? Is there a higher vibratory signature that perhaps you have not yet accounted for? 

As starseeds it is essential we are stepping into our cosmic leadership in a whole new way. Our vibrations create pathways for others. As you elevate, you elevate others. Waters may feel particularly unclear or murky as we close out Pisces season. However, know that clarity is coming. Trust the process. Your spiritual courage is needed now more than ever. Keep your vibration high. Be gentle to yourself and others. Be kind. Life is a gift, treat it as such, even in the greatest times of darkness.

A simple Virgo Full Moon ritual is to give gratitude, now!  Meditate on 22 things you are currently grateful.  If you'd like to invite more of this devotion into your life, scroll down below for my official invite to the Adi Shakti Coven Spiral Four, which is available as a virtual offering, and an optional inner spiral for those who wish to go deeper.

with love and devotion,

Ra Ma