These are the time times we've been preparing for

A blessed Venus day to you and yours! Today is Friday the 13th, one of my favorite times as the Hathorian codes of Venus freely pour forth with beauty and creativity for all of humanity. Thirteen is a sacred number of the Goddess and you can read more here and here about what I've written about the frequency of this number.

I know so many are feeling heavy right now. The cosmic weather is very intense, and I have to admit as an astrologer, it is bittersweet to see the astrology come to life. Sweet, because it is beautiful to decipher what is written in the sky, and bitter because these times are far from easy.

So many of us have known that we just cannot continue life in the status quo. Our Earth and her creatures are crying for mercy. Humanity is crying for mercy. We knew this was coming with the Saturn Pluto conjunction peaking in early January 2020. One way covid-19 shows up astrologically is through Chiron in Aries squaring the Nodes of Fate in Cancer and Capricorn. This aspect stirs up the vulnerability of the human body, the sense of security we all yearn for, and the stability and foundations we need in society. As timelines are collapsing, so are the structures that no longer serve. Things must fall apart in some way or another before we rebirth. We will be feeling the particular intensity of Chiron squaring the Nodes of fate into early June.

The fear quotient feels higher than ever, as this sobriety of this virus that claims lives also is creating a vast effect on the supply chains. Here in my local community many of the stores have empty shelves. I imagine the same may be true for you too. Many of us live month to month when it comes to income, and are questioning how we will make ends meet as entire job sectors are being put on pause. Those with compromised immune systems are afraid to leave their homes. Here in the States, we are told we are just at the beginning. It honestly feels as if we are anxiously awaiting a storm.

This virus is revealing to humanity where we are most vulnerable. Not just in health, but how interdependent we are upon one another in our local and global economy. As many communities are staying indoors, our lives are rapidly shifting before our eyes. Next Saturday, on 3/21 Saturn will shift into Aquarius. This is a major transition that will give us a glimpse into 2021-2023, and in March through May of 2020, we may face more restrictions in how we are living our daily rhythms thanks to Saturn's ingress. In turn, those parts of society that are able to continue to function are widely going virtual. This is very Aquarian, as the water bearer rules technology.

I would love for you to know that to feel fear now is okay, and in fact it is spiritual. Please do not bypass what is coming up for you. Now is the time we must gather together in support. We must build new systems of alliance and craft bridges. It is important to also find the tools to move through the fear and to elevate our frequency. These are the times we've been preparing for. I created a complimentary meditative journey to work with the consciousness of the virus. Please considering listening here if you wish to assist on an energetic level.

If you are looking for balanced covoid-19 resources, I highly recommend to tune into one of my mentors, as Dr. Aviva Romm has created a webpage with regular updates on her research. There is a beauty in the possibility of shifting the pace of our culture that demands more than is humanly healthy. As challenging as these times will likely be, we now have an opportunity to get back to the basics, to focus on sleep, on long walks in nature, on taking time to meditate each day, to dance, to be with the loved ones who matter most. What I have learned thus far in my life journey is that the greatest sacrifices, the times that stretch us the most, eventually offer elegant gifts, just as the phoenix is reborn anew.

Great Mother Isis led me to a timely passage yesterday afternoon that I feel called to share with you. Isis, otherwise known as Iset is known as Goddess of 10,000 names, and it is said that no mortal knows all of her names. She is the Mother Goddess of Ancient Egypt, and I know in my bones She is very much alive. She has miraculous powers to heal. It is believed that devotees of Iset only need to have faith in Her. Perhaps this passage sourced from The Healing Gods by Walter Jayne will comfort you, as I have found comfort in this prayer,

'May Isis heal me as she healed her son Horus of all the pains (which were) brought on him . . . Thou great enchantress, heal me, save me from all evil, things of darkness, from the epidemic and deadly diseases and infections of all sorts that spring upon me, as thou hast saved and freed Horus . . . free me from all possible evil, hurtful things of darkness, from epidemic and deadly fevers of every kind.'

I am available for one-on-one virtual sessions, in addition to the extensive astrology sessions I offer. The investment is $110 for 60 minutes or $55 for 30 minutes. I never turn anyone away for lack of funds. Email me if you need support, and we can tap into your astrology with tools of resilience for these times. I am shifting the Aries New Moon Womxn's circle to a virtual gathering, so please join us wherever you may be across the globe on Monday March 23rd 7-8:30 pm EDT! 

The Adi Shakti Coven Spiral Four begins on Tuesday, March 24th. Given all the uncertainties I am called to only offer the virtual portion of the Coven at this time. I feel very confident in the essence of this container and the community we weave together through sisterhood. I'll be creating a video with more details, however for now scroll down.  Email me if you have questions or would like to join.

Hermes Trismegistus crafted the well known expression as above, so below, however what often is forgotten is that it continues with, as below, so above. We are in constant conversation with the stars above. Our fate is not sealed. We are the ones we've been waiting for, and these are the time times we've been preparing for. What matters now more than ever is how we show up in these times.

Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma