A Place of Stillness, a Place of Center

The void, the unknown is uncomfortable to most beings. As someone who has sat at the feet of many of a woman giving birth, I have learned that the birth and death processes are the supreme metaphors for life. Perhaps this is why the goddesses of the life cycles were so revered in the ancient cultures.

In honor of these times, I feel called to share the mythology of Inanna. She is an ancient Sumerian Goddess, Queen of Heaven and Earth. She has been Calling to me for years. I was first initiated into her mysteries in my college education, learning her story as I was finding my own unique identity. When I became pregnant, her narrative wove back into my life. Four winters ago I hosted a women's retreat where we honored her teachings. And since the astrology of 2018 began to mold us like diamonds, her path has emerged as a great symbol for these times that we are now living in. 

Inanna's story teaches not only about the unknown, but also about great sacrifice. If you would like to circle up with me in honor of her, I invite you to join my group on facebook, where myself and others (perhaps you too?) will be collectively weaving medicine for these times. I plan to go live sometime this weekend to share the story of Inanna, and would love for you to join in.

The void is a place of stillness, a place of center. What is so clear in these times is that each one of us is being asked to center like never before. We must utilize our discernment to spiritually mature. We must learn to filter truths from non-truths through the portals of our hearts. We must activate the tools and methods we have been studying for decades, applying them to take root. We must bring online our gifts and talents.

I think back to the ingress of Uranus in Taurus and the Earth Awakening that is transpiring before our very eyes. We are in a process of radical transformation. In this stillness we are being asked to recalibrate to our unique essence. May you remember each day in your practice of physical distancing, while we as a human collective soberly clear layers upon layers of grief, that together, we are birthing the New Earth.