Birthing the New Earth

We are birthing the New Earth. My friends, I believe we are now at the place of transition, as we have fully submerged into the great unknown. This is the space and place where doubt fully comes to the surface. Yet, there is no going back. So much is in the mystery for each one of us, and as we crack through the cosmic egg of creation, it is essential to know now, more than ever, that we are in this together.

Many are having fear rise to the surface as Saturn imposes his limitations on us, literally subjecting each one of us to our birthing caves.  Many are concerned about finances, and how to move forward with life as we are quarantined to our homes, awaiting the reality check that will determine how exposed our communities are to a virus that has covered the Earth. Check out the Vernal Equinox cosmic weather video I created for you where I go into much more depth about these times.

As a reminder, in these times (and always) I am available for one-on-one virtual sessions, in addition to the extensive astrology sessions I offer. The investment is $110 for 60 minutes or $55 for 30 minutes. I never turn anyone away for lack of funds. Email me if you need support, and we can tap into your astrology with tools of resilience for these times. I am shifting the Aries New Moon Womxn's circle to a virtual gathering, so please join us wherever you may be across the globe on Monday March 23rd 7-8:30 pm EDT! 

Finally, given our current pandemic, I've been guided to shift the Adi Shakti Coven as well. We are dropping all of the curriculum as I intuit the last thing we need is more content to read and take in. Instead, this offering is a bi-weekly sacred sisterhood council to witness one another in this time of great transition. We will also be supporting one another with the art we are birthing now, as it is more essential than ever that womxn are at the forefront of leadership on Earth. You may scroll down below for the updated details. . .

Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading these Venusian Love Notes that I truly weave with the threads of my heart each Friday for you. I'd love for you to continue to support this work!

Here are some ways we may mutually support one another:

1.  Join the How Aquarian are you? A Saturnday virtual (free) livestream party. (Info above).

2. Continue to come to kundalini yoga class! Now you can take class with me anywhere on Earth! They are all livestreaming from my home studio. Visit this link to sign up and support two small businesses at the same time!

Wednesdays 11-12:30 pm EDT
Fridays 8:45-10 am EDT
Womxn's Sundays 4-5:30 pm EDT

3. Come to the Aries New Moon Womxn's Wisdom virtual livestreaming (recorded too) circle on Monday 3/23 7-8:30 pm EDT. You may sign up here.

4. Architect your Queendom in a sacred sisterhood virtual council that honors the Great Turning. . .details are below!

5. Book a private one-on-one session. The astrology is super juicy now. . .

6. Join me on patreon

7. Subscribe to my youtube page, like videos, comment and share!

8. Follow me on instagram and/or facebook, and again please heart it up and comment! This helps so much!

In honor of how reverberating the shadow of this specific Mercury retrograde season has been (I keep unveiling more and MORE truths, major truths. . .how about you???), I'm closing the same way as last week, as these words ring true for these times. Hermes Trismegistus crafted the well known expression as above, so below, however what often is forgotten is that it continues with, as below, so above. We are in constant conversation with the stars above. Our fate is not sealed. We are the ones we've been waiting for, and these are the time times we've been preparing for. What matters now more than ever is how we show up in these times.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!