Expect the Unexpected: Transformation with the Taurus Full Blue Moon

Grief Season is upon us. The veil between this world and the Otherworld are particularly thin during the season of Samhain. As our Ancestors back us with their genius remedies and victorious might in these times, a very sensitive portal is now available. 2020 has been a year of becoming more and more tender as each one of us has faced loss after loss. Now that Samhain is here, the leaves are falling and the natural energies are diving deeper into the Earth, we have the ability to let go like never before.

What are you placing into the alchemical fire of the cauldron of the Great Mother?


The Taurus Full Blue Moon will illuminate any confusions if you are unclear of what to let go of at this time. This is a time of surrender and sacrifice. The Taurus Full Blue Moon is exact on All Hallow's Eve, Saturday October 31st at 10:49 am EDT with a frequency that is sparking the ability to create inner happiness in the darkest of hours. One of the greatest teachings of this year is how to have faith in the cycles of creation, knowing that renewal will always prevail.

This Full Moon is tightly conjunct Uranus in Taurus, so expect the unexpected. Better yet, let go of all expectations, clear your calendar of the to do's, ground yourself to Mother Earth in all the ways that you know, clear your psycho-emotional space, and craft ceremony in honor of your sacred holy council, your ancestors, and the Divine. In this lunation Black Moon Lilith has just entered Taurus, so there will be many shadows coming up to be cleared, particularly within your relationship to your body, and your primal fears of not having enough.

When you find your mind trailing in this direction, drop into the heart and offer gratitude for where your abundance currently lies. The goddess of discord Eris squares transformer Pluto amplifying the shadow journey within this season of death, knowing that there are supreme forces that must be respected. As the Scorpio Sun conjuncts Juno, goddess of the Sacred Union, there is a thread that conveys how each one of us longs to be reunited in wholeness, whether it is through the mystical marriage of our own inner divine feminine and divine masculine, or in a holy communion. The ultimate signature of this Taurus Full Blue Moon is to find your devotion.

Where does your love naturally flow?

On Tuesday the messenger god Mercury stations direct in Libra. On this day the Scorpio Sun is at 12°, the exact degree that Mercury stationed retrograde at on Tuesday, October 13th. This frequency relays how the elite ruling class attempts to distract group consciousness through pomp and circumstance, or bread and circus. As psychopomp, Mercury has penetrated the depths in complex ways and emerges to stand for justice and equity. As it is election season in the United States, it is important to vote. However, please remember that you vote with each breath through how you utilize your sacred life force; essentially how you spend your energy, how you spend your time, and how you spend your money.

This season of Samhain is the time of year when the Grain Mother, the Grail Mother becomes Crone. The wise woman within is called upon, and yes this archetype lives within each one of us, regardless of gender or age. The Dark Goddess and her myriad of forms has been demonized through the ages. As a way to honor Her, allow this season to wrap its arms around you. Reach out to your Elders. Give gratitude for the gifts you have inherited from your lineage. Clean your house and hearth in preparation for your Ancestors, build an altar, and give thanks.

For a deeper dive into this astrology, you may listen in on episode 13 of Stars, Stones and Stories, Sovereign Subscriptions for 2020: Right Action Supersedes All. In this episode I discuss my transformative journey with teaching kundalini yoga, and why I am taking a yogic teaching sabbatical at this time. If this is news to you, I invite you to read more here. I cannot emphasize enough how important this astrology is as we build to the Great Conjunction. If you wish to learn about your current curriculum through starry wisdom, email me direct to book a session.