We shall build anew

This Friday, Venus Day, the great goddess shifts from radiant and royal Leo to refining Virgo. Venus struggles in Virgo as she can get lost in the details and what is not working. Venus in Virgo sees everything naked, and is emphatic to express this. To soften her edges, find a way to expand through your eagle vision, and allow the finer points to blur, ultimately utilizing this time to come home to yourself by implementing true self-love practices. These could be found in a myriad of ways from imbibing on fresh clean water, long walks outdoors, getting plenty of rest, and feeding your own inner critic through a warm, nourishing diet.

After an intensely healing Full Chirotic Aries Moon, luna shifts into a disseminating Taurus Moon on Saturday. A Taurus Moon is luscious, rich, grounded, and loves to revel in the gifts of Gaia. From Saturday through Monday is an excellent time to bask in the shifting of the seasons by refreshing your altars, spreading your tarot cards, and snuggling into your Fall layers. This waning gibbous moon can teach us something deep about how to approach these tenaciously tightrope walking times, as this phase of the moon is here to reflect upon the stories of how things weave together. The great teaching in this is to stay open, and inclusive of all views, especially the ones that may differ greatly from yours. This translates to a willingness to cross pollinate with others by sharing your own story, especially where you have found value and meaning, and in turn, to listen deeply. Remember, Mercury is in Scorpio is in the shadow of retrograde, so we are in the season of transformative reflection, particularly in our communication. 


On Saturday, October 3rd Pluto, the great regenerator forms a quincunx with the Gemini North Node offering an opportunity to find the beauty in the sacrifices of 2020, knowing that the collective destiny is steering us towards new ideas, concepts, community networking, and if we are willing to apply ourselves, ultimately to true innovation. With the season of politics taking center stage in the American psyche, we live in some of the most divisive times on Earth, or so it seems. The way through is the portal of the heart. Now that Pallas Athene, Jupiter and Saturn are direct, Pluto too joins this forward motion frequency on Sunday, October 4th. We will continue to hang out in the intensity of the square between Pallas Athene, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn versus Chiron, Eris, Mars, and Black Moon Lilith in Aries. To be brittle and rigid in these times will most likely cause destruction and feelings of defeat. Find ways to stay nimble while keeping attuned to your high hearted dreams and visions, and together, we shall build anew.


Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma ☥