break open

I send you Venusian day blessings while i’m knee deep on a personal pilgrimage abroad. The current cosmic weather is transmitting that transformation is afoot for all of us, and yet, so much remains in mystery. 

As i mentioned last week, the Women at the Well pilgrimage is now half full.  I am so honored to welcome these beautiful souls that have fully resounded YES to reawaken their connections to the lands of Avalon, Avebury and Cornwall, as we journey along the faerie and dragon lines.  I would love to welcome you too if you hear the Call.  Drop me an email for the details.  

I leave you with the elegance of Mary Oliver, whom always feeds my soul. This poetry activates us to find complete trust in the Divine, even when it is completely irrational and far from any plan or expectation we had. 

I tell you this
to break your heart,
by which I mean only
that it break open and never close again
to the rest of the world.

Infinite blessings,
Ra Ma