Reborn like the Phoenix

Scorpio Season is officially here.  This is the time of year where our darkness may be utilized as a propeller for great transformation.  If we are willing to do the real, deep work that is asked of us, we have the ability to rise high, and be reborn like the Phoenix.  As I wrote last week, the heart is a time travel device, a superpower that every human is born with.  As I am composing this love letter, I just received this message from a reader in response to heart as a time travel device:

This email was so electric!!! When I work as an acupuncturist on the heart, my patients feel this power that you describe. It’s incredible work. You do incredible work! 

We are in the shadow of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, and this is sure to be one of the most mystical times of this year.  Mercury officially goes retrograde on all Hallow's eve, stations direct November 20th, and clears the shadow on December 7th.  This season of Samhain is certain to be extra rich and fertile.

Pop astrology often blows Mercury retrograde out of proportion because we live in a culture that demands consistent output.  Mercury retrograde encourages reflection and review.  The archetype of Mercury has a facet of being the psychopomp, one who guides recently departed souls through the realms, known as the bardos. 

In Greek mythology it was Mercury and Hecate who served these roles.  Other animals like the owl, the deer, or the crow are often seen as guides to those whom cross over.  Mercury is synonymous with Hermes, Thoth, Djehuty.  In my study of Jungian psychoanalogy with Dr. Estes, I have learned that the psychopomp is the mediator, often a wise woman or wise man that assists navigation between the realms of conscious reality and the unconscious reality.  In the times I have trained with her we go deep into trance to access these realms of unconscious reality.  Mercury retrograde is inherently a time to access the realms of unconscious reality.  And Mercury in the sign of Scorpio probes deep into the abyss of our psyches, reaching into the realms of the occult, those most hidden spaces.

The Phoenix embodies the mystical process of rebirth, demonstrating how out of the alchemical cauldron, one is purified, lighter and stronger than ever before.  However, to experience rebirth requires a true descent.  This descent is an opportunity to access the realms of unconscious reality.  And like the Sumerian goddess Inanna, as one goes through the layers of descent, one must give up that which is cherished most, that which is believed to be necessary for survival.  Sacrifice is essential.

When I first ventured to Egypt in October of 2018, I died many metaphorical deaths. It was intense. I will never forget walking through the Great Pyramid, the pyramid of Khufu, climbing down the porthole and walking, step by step to the Nun, the great Abyss. I never thought of myself as claustrophobic, but once I was in that time and space, with the smell of ammonia, the tightness of the walls, and the frequencies of the Ancients, I realized how people struggle with small spaces, and that I too was struggling.

It was beyond words, and I wanted nothing more than to turn around and run back. But there wasn't anywhere to go, as behind me I had seven sisters and our Egyptian guide blocking my passage. I decided in that moment that the worst case scenario was my death. And in that moment, I consciously surrendered. I continue to walk forward, step by step, allowing the fear to sweat out of my body.

After settling back home from that initial journey to Egypt, I spent most of my time attempting to sort out what transpired during those three weeks abroad. Ultimately, I knew I had died in that pyramid, just as I died in many other spaces in Kemet. Since then, I feel as if I have gotten pretty comfortable with intensity, with letting go, with holding space even in the most extreme states of pressure. Stewarding two pilgrimages nearly back to back this Summer was certainly next level for my senses, while being initiated in guiding a group in Egypt was definitely like walking through fire.

However, it was upon this last Return, settling into these Appalachian mountains, that I have felt true death. I am not going into the details here, however I can say that I have now experienced grief like never before. Grief is a challenging sensation, as it is so smothering and derailing. You have this funny ability to make lists and plans, however it spins you out of time, so that all you can do is dance with the numbing disorientation that grief conjures.

This is the season of grief. It is the time of the lungs, the organ in the body that houses grief. We are knee deep in Ancestor Season, and only sinking in further. The waters of Scorpio are like the abyss. The Ancestors are nearer than ever before as the Veil thins, and they are beckoning to each one of us to wake up to our purpose.

I believe we are ambassadors of our lineages, with great missions of transformation. And the symbol of the Phoenix reminds us where we must let go to move on. Before we can rise, we must descend. We must go down, shed, sacrifice, finding that sweet spot of surrender. In this cauldron alchemy occurs. In this space miracles happen. As we let go to the Otherworld, we give way to the vision we believe in and we allow for something greater than ever imagined.

The Adi Shakti Coven Spiral 3 begins this Sunday, and I cordially invite all who identify as womxn to circle with us. There are now two paths, an in-depth in person path and a virtual path. This Spiral will go from the Scoprio New Moon through Capricorn season. The in-depth path will gather in my temple living room to honor Samhain and Winter Solstice. Both paths will immerse deeply into the seasons, stones, plants, kundalini technology, and starry wisdom. The goddesses and mythology of Nut, Sekhmet, and Isis will guide our work together. The community we create is powerful and a balm for these times. I would love to invite you to discover more. The gates to the Spiral Three close Sunday at 5pm EDT.

In honor of Mercury retrograde I am rennovating many aspects of my work, including my patreon offerings. If you cherish these love letters, I now have a way for you to support this work.

The current astrology is genius molding us like clay so that we know what to do, and when to do it. This week we are building to Mars in Libra squaring Saturn in Capricorn. On Sunday we have a potent Scorpio New Moon that may reveal deep challenges that we must face to do our Phoenix work. From there we will experience the energetics of Mars building into a square with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury retrogrades and Samhain begins.

My mantra in these times is, All is in Divine order. And may it be so.