Calling Upon the Ancients

the Temple of Philea, Aswan, Egypt

Calling upon the Ancients
a prayer by Ra Ma

Oh great ancient Ones
We call to you!
Hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space.
We humbly ask for your support, your wise medicine ways, and your genius solutions during these times.

We, the humanity of Mother Earth are in crisis in these times. We are shedding old, outworn dominator paradigms while calling in fresh, loving and holistic ways to live in harmony with our planet, with all of nature, with the elements, and with our sisters and brothers.

The truth is, we need your help. We need the assistance of our Ancestors. We cannot do this alone. As the veil to the Otherworld is thin, we know you hear our Call.

We humbly bow as we stand upon your shoulders, and we ask that in the name of this beautiful Earth and the human spirit that together, we may make manifest a new consciousness that is one of service, integrity, devotion, creativity, kindness, justice, respect, intelligence, honor, praise, play, authenticity, diversity, health, wealth, and plenty for all.

Together may we weave this world with the guidance of your primordial wisdom. And so it is. Aho. Ase. Amen. Blessed be.