Cosmic Consciousness: Libra New Moon

Georgia O'Keeffe watercolor

The new moon in Libra is exact tonight at 8:11 pm EST.  This new moon in Libra activates Jupiter’s recent arrival there.  Jupiter makes everything bigger and brighter, which means our ability to manifest is even greater.  New moons are brilliant times to plant your seeds.  With Jupiter conjunct the New Moon we have the ability to also plant seeds for the entire Jupiter cycle to come~essentially until Fall of 2017.

Libra is all about relationships, partnerships, balance, beauty, harmony, peace, art and elegance.  Jupiter in Libra is urging us to connect with others and to collaborate.  

This lunar cycle also initiates us for the potent Pluto time we have on October 7th and October 19th.  The Full Moon in Aries may be extra intense--potentially volatile.  We are being asked to dive deep and confront our shadows head on.  We can expect big changes in the structures and foundations of our lives.  We are facing power and the misuse of power--on all levels, from the subconscious to the conscious, from the personal to the collective.  

During these times people are likely to prefer to check out and numb out.  It's easier to bypass the lessons we are being tasked to accomplish than rise above and show up spiritually mature.  However, the more we can work towards holding a space of spiritual maturity, the more we can create solid change in our collective reality.  

As Neptune aligns with the mean south Node on November 3rd and the true south Node on November 17th we can expect the presidential election to be all about illusion.  Neptune's ability to create murky veils will be full on in November, so the more we can commit to showing up for the work in our personal lives, the more we can sustain the momentum of evolving from the shadow to the light.

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is so great for these times.  The Aquarian Age we live in is all about complexities and Kundalini Yoga assists us with keeping clarity of mind, creativity of spirit and a healthy and activated glandular system.  We are living in the times where we all need some sort of a practice to keep up.  These are times to witness the shadow, to claim you are willing to be awake and aware, to embrace truth.  

Libra reminds us that the power of connection between individuals can overcome systems of inequity.  We are connected and we are greater than the institutions that want to keep us separate.  We are cosmic beings.  We are consciousness evolving.

Sat Nam.

Many thanks to astrologers Divine Harmony and Chani Nicholas for their on point readings.  As always, remember to write your New Moon prosperity check and your intentions:  I am easily finding myself. . .