Sisters of the Wild Divine

I am overjoyed on this auspicious day to officially announce the gates are open to join the Sisters of the Wild Divine tribe as we pilgrim to the Holy Land of Glastonbury in August of 2017.  Join our tribe here.

There is on the confines of western Britain a certain royal island, called in the ancient speech Glastonia, marked out by broad boundaries, girt round with waters rich in fish and with still-flowing rivers, fitted for many uses of human indigence, and dedicated to the most sacred of deities.
— St Augustine of Canterbury

Our vision is to build a powerful space for rebirthing, rewilding and the renewal of radiant authenticity for women wishing to connect with the Divine Feminine.  We are answering a call from the Divine to lovingly craft this magical path for all women who wish to radiate, remember and reclaim their Inner Priestess.  It is our shared intention that the women of our Earth find their voice, passion and purpose with ease and grace.  We honor and give gratitude to the wise women who have come before us.  Their paths have led us to this holy pilgrimage to Glastonbury.  We humbly walk alongside you as we awaken together.