Winter Solstice Eclipse Portal

Today we welcome the final day of Samhain.  Wow, what a season.  So many of us have been doing some serious heavy lifting, clearing our ancestral lineages, our starseed lineages, our soul's karmic patterns.  Tomorrow we welcome Yule, also known as Winter Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere--our sisters and brothers in the Southern Hemisphere are in turn welcoming Summer Solstice. 

I must admit, I have never been so grateful for the coming of Winter in my life.  This Samhain tied in with Scorpio and Sagittarius seasons has been immensely challenging, literally like walking through fire.  With the power of Sekhmet, I believe so much has been purified for each one of us, and in turn our ancestors. 

On Thursday 12/26 we fully welcome Capricorn season with the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse.  I'll be crafting a video about the Eclipse portal and how to thrive in these times.  I've had my academic hat on for the past couple of weeks, furiously writing two massive research projects into over 6000 words, so video is my preferred method at this time.  Subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive the Your Guide to Thrive vlog when it airs.   I plan to be sharing more on YouTube in 2020, so if you have particular topics you wish to hear about, or feedback to offer, I am all eyes and ears.  You may email me here with any suggestions.

The burden this academic work has been in my personal life has been the metaphor for this Samhain season.  Meaning NOW is the time to complete whatever needs to be taken care of.  Trust me, as we open up 2020 you will be so grateful to have tended to the important things that have been weighing on your shoulders! 

The Capricorn New Moon Eclipse is more about endings rather than new beginnings, unlike your typical New Moon.  Jupiter, the spiritual teaching planet that likes to expand anything it touches, is conjunct the Karmic South Node, Sun and Moon in Capricorn in this New Moon, meaning there is much to shed, let go, and dissolve. 

Each one of us is finishing up mega spiritual lessons so that we may evolve to the next level of creation.  It is an exciting time to be alive on starship Earth.  We are blessed to be here, and I believe each one of us has willingly volunteered to be here on Earth during this time of significant transformation.  Yes, some days are truly challenging, however that does not diminish the beauty of these times.  To witness the crumbling of outdated paradigms, while a new paradigm is birthed before our very eyes is both exquisite and mighty.

As we shift the paradigm, may we turn to the light.  Yule is a time when our sacred seeds are forming deep within the Earth.  So many cosmologies celebrate this time of year with Holy Days centered around light.   We are coming into a time where community and collaboration are essential, where acknowledging and honoring the light within each one is essential.

On Moonday evening we will gather in my temple living room for the Capricorn New Moon Womxn's Wisdom circle.  Here I will go into great detail about the astrology of these times and how to best manage your energy.

I leave you with the Five Sutras for the Aquarian Age as given by one of my teachers Yogi Bhajan.  These sutras are timeless and timely.  I love referring back to them, as each time I receive a different layer of meaning.

The Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age

1. Recognize that the other person is you.
2. There is a way through every block.
3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.
4.  Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
5. Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path.

Yuletide blessings,

Ra Ma