The Goddess and the Eclipse 𓏲

13: Codes of Fertility and Rejuvenation for a Paradigm Shift

Today we welcome the day of the Goddess. Each Friday is the day of Venus, a day to honor the Divine Feminine. Friday is the modern English word from the Old Norse Frigg, which ultimately connected to Freya. Freya is a fierce Norse goddess, a warrior who was acclaimed for her chariot led by a crew of cats, a sorcerer, and a master of fertility and sexuality.


One could say the frequency of Friday the 13th amplifies this feminine power of Venus Day as 13 is a sacred number to the Great Mother, the Great Cosmic Womb of Creation. Each annual cycle contains 13 moons, therefore a healthy bleeding woman will have 13 menstrual cycles a year. Turtles carry 13 segments on the backs of their shells. The Ancient Egyptians honored 13 as a space where deep spiritual attainment was actualized. 13 is a holy and lucky number that contains within it codes of fertility and rejuvenation, the exact medicine we need in these times for a lasting paradigm shift.


For many years now in my weekly Venusian Love Notes you have received the transmission that comes through in this writing that She is We. The frequency of the Divine Feminine offers a gift that abundance is our natural birthright. There is plenty for all at the table of the Goddess. A seat at the table of the Goddess welcomes all beings and nourishes all of Creation. 


I believe Friday the 13th was intentionally hijacked many moons ago to anchor in distortions to divide and confuse the pure Truth. Consider how many buildings refrain from having a 13th floor. Hollywood has created an entire mythos to ensure fear with the number thirteen. One could say that those who master the signs, symbols and numbers hold the key vibration of the frequency. In the contemporary world the feminine still must be instinctually vigilant to protect her rights, and ultimately the rights of all beings, particularly women, children, and the LGTBQIA2S+ across the Earth. 


Humans, particularly women have been collectively indoctrinated to fear the physical body and the natural fluids, most importantly menstrual blood. We have been raised within an overculture that has programed the collective for many ages that women are inherently unholy. 


A large part of the Divine Feminine reclamation that is foundational for human liberty is rooted in radical self love, acceptance, and compassion. Friday the 13th opens a portal into this consciousness. 


Fridays are a sacred day of love, beauty and a devotional hymn to the Goddess Venus, the planet Venus that is Earth’s elder sister. Venus is all about art, creativity, beauty, and governs the social world. Venus teaches that human liberty depends upon an intimate relationship to nature. Venus asks us to wed human creativity with Nature for a true love affair. 


As we shift the paradigm, may we welcome this day of the Goddess in a conscious way. She is We, and all are welcome at the table of the Goddess. We are building a new paradigm that serves all. Many speak of dissolving the old paradigms of the colonial patriarchy, which is very necessary. For instance, within the United States many of cities are built on Native American sacred grounds, particularly blessed burial grounds. We have been living under a culture amnesia and Uranus in Taurus is waking us up in a fierce way. 


However, in my own experience, where I have witnessed some of the most intense brutality is where women serving as priestesses, witches, healers, and other sacred arts have behaved in some of the most unethical ways. Old distorted colonial paradigms have found passages to infiltrate many of our most sacred inner sanctums. Our job moving forward is to be discerning and highly acute in our medicine work. 


The sacred number of 13 carries information about blood and fertility. The holy lifeforce is emphasized. The blood transports our nourishment and our vitality, while containing the imprint of our personal stories. The lunar cycles guide our Earthly experience and the blood cycles of woman. Depending on where in the world you live, this weekend and early Moonday we welcome Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 25°17’ 12:13 am Monday 16th May.


This Eclipse begins at 9:32 pm and ends at 2:51 am EDT. I am offering a very special global virtual live event for this duration, and all are welcome. Thus far a magickal circle is gathering and I am already in awe of the collective work we will do


There is so much to be explored with this particular astrology that leads us to the Total Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse is also conjunct the star Algol which is connected to the story of Medusa, a myth that deals with the sexual oppression of the feminine. 


As the Moon is in Scorpio, once of its most challenging placements, squaring Saturn in Aquarius, tension is building through the ethers. Squares are extremely uncomfortable, and they can also open opportunities for massive transformation. I believe this Lunar Eclipse ultimately offers a window for 26,000 years of ancestral threads to be cleared with the rising of the Phoenix.  If you wish to dive deeper into these transmissions, I invite you to circle up in episode 51 of Stars, Stones, and Stories: The Labyrinth of the Eclipses.


If you are called to have a one-on-one high caliber divination session, I encourage you to claim your session now, as I have very limited availability over the course of the next few months. I will be on pilgrimage, therefore summer sessions will not be available until late July. For those who reside in Appalachia, you are invited to circle up in community in a weekly Monday series to navigate this Eclipse portal at West Asheville Yoga. Drop-ins are welcome!

My prayer is that each one of us may commit to living life from the highest integrity, so that we may consciously root a new paradigm that is based within conscious nourishment and vitality for our generations to come. As you meander through the labyrinthine Eclipse, I invite you to take radical responsibility for your vibration. Consciously draw in peace, loving kindness, and stability.  

May you trust in the web of life!

In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma ☥