Your Rebirthing Ritual for this Equinox

Equinox blessings, 


As day and night find equal balance, harvest begins to find its completion; we welcome Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern welcomes Ostara with the regeneration of the Land.

Our Earth experiences a moment where the polarities of light and dark, young and old, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, conscious and unconscious seemingly come into balance, a state of perfection.
The multiverse has a way of creation that includes generation, organization and death. The cycles of life are ones of infinity, life, death and rebirth, which the sound current SA TA NA MA exemplifies. Equinox bestows a sacred opportunity for you to welcome the shift as an exhale of inward reflection.

This Equinox heralds Libra season, and you are invited to greet the archetype of the diplomat, the peacekeeper, the seeker of justice, the mediator and the lover. Libra is the one sign of the twelve of the zodiac where the glyph is not a creature, instead depicted by the symbol of the scales, which is why I instead associate Libra with the goddess Ma'at, ruler of divine justice and Truth.

Venus governs Libra Season as a guiding force of your values and how you connect to art, form, shape, beauty and color. Venus is the elder sister to Earth, teaching you about your self worth and how you value your needs in relationship to others. This particular Libra Season is sure to invoke a spotlight on A L L of your relationships, as Venus is still clearing her retrograde shadow until the 7th of October and our first Eclipse is on the 14th.

With the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, your relationship to yourself is your primary focus this Eclipse Season. That also means becoming more conscious of how you are relating to others, and how you may collaborate in more elegant ways.


I will be offering you a very special Eclipse mini course to support you through October's Eclipse Season and the details to register for this mini course will come in next week's Venusian Love Notes.
For now, I wish to offer you a simple rebirthing ritual to invite sacred pause into your life at this Equinox threshold:
Cleanse your home to the extent of your bandwidth. This could be a deep cleanse and reorganization or could be a very simple tidy up process with an energetic clearing with your favorite smudge and your own positive affirmations. Sprinkle your entryways with salt and​ water.
Next, create space for your sacred bath: perhaps light candles and play healing music. Fill your tub with at least 2 cups of salt water, fresh lemon juice, and consider adding essential oils that are calming and centering like lavender, frankincense, rose and vetiver.
Allow this bathing ritual to be the pause before you fully embrace this next season. Allow yourself to merge with the Great Elemental of Mother, that timeless primordial being, and allow your cares to drift and allow yourself to dissolve all that no longer serves, yet with grace, free from judgement. As the water flows down the drain, give thanks for the past few seasons from the last Equinox to this now.
In this retrograde portal I've reconstructed how we collaborate in Ma Magick and am so excited for this refined version. A number of us gathered today for our first live First Quarter Monthly Meditation and Tea Community Circle and it was truly nourishing. If you are seeking a sovereign space to call back your energy, you are invited to circle with us in Ma Magick. Click this link to discover all of the transformation you will experience in this container!


Note: If you are on the fence, I encourage you to join now as the investment to join Ma Magick will be increasing this October. If you commit now you will establish yourself as a legacy member at the current investment of $44 monthly. 


Finally, if you have any interest in exploring Egypt in sacred pilgrimage in May or August of 2024, scroll down to save the date and ensure you are on my VIP Pilgrim List.

Here's to thriving in this Equinox Portal,

Ra Ma ☥