Distilling the Wisdom of this Leo Moon

Greetings Timetraveler,


The Moon is currently waning towards her Balsamic Phase and you are encouraged to distill the wisdom of the lunar cycle seeded back on the 16th of August. This is a special moment because just like what was experienced with the Leo New Moon, today's Moon once more comes to marry Venus in Leo. Although Venus is stationed direct, she will not clear the retrograde shadow until the 7th of October, therefore the process of emergence is still at hand. 


Resurrection, Rebirth and Renewal are our greatest teachers.


At this time the Moon and Venus are also conjunct Juno and Black Moon Lilith representing a powerful intersection of the divine consort and personal power. This is a moment that wishes to shatter all delusions so that you may see and name things as they truly are. There is only one way. That’s the way of Truth.


Massive shifts are beginning to occur. . .the inner work you have been doing ALL SUMMER LONG is coming to light! If you have been feeling impatient, rest easy, as the pace will quicken come this Friday as Mercury governing all things communication stations direct.


As you move through this week, the invitation is to bask in the harvest with the upcoming Virgo New Moon occurring on Thursday and Friday. Virgo aligns you with the great Celestial Ma frequency and crafts a space of heightened discernment. Virgo wishes to elevate and evolve situations so that all may thrive. 


If you are seeking a way to transcend the chaos of these times, then I invite you to step into Ma Magick, a monthly membership journey into Meditation, Star Medicine, God(dess) Consciousness and Elemental Wisdom. This is a manifestation council for wisdomkeepers that I've been stewarding for many moons now, and we would love to welcome you into our community. This is a space for those who wish to dive in deep, connect with like minded folks and live a life that is in harmony with the ancient future wisdom of the Elements.


If you are seeking a sovereign space to call back your energy circle with us in Ma Magick click this link to discover all of the transformation you will experience in this container!


In this profound retrograde portal I've been reconstructing how we collaborate in Ma Magick and am so excited for this refined version! This is the perfect space for those who are ready to embark on a lunar journey each month with an awareness of the astrology's unique timing to master the cosmos.


If you wish to invest now as a legacy member for $44 each month ((with a savings over $196 month)) you are invited to step into the portal here! We would love to welcome you!

I wish you an abundance of elegance as you maneuver the cosmic weather of this late Summer and open your heart to the great Celestial Ma.

Infinite Blessings, 

Ra Ma ☥

ps. Are you a pyramid geek? I AM!!! You are invited to join myself and a lineup of international speakers for the Global Pyramid Network's conference Pyramid Secrets, which is just north of Chicago (held within a pyramid!!!) the 22nd-24th September. Register at this link (please share that I sent you when you fill out the form). If you'd like to learn more, here is a video I crafted about my talk. I know a few of you are coming to say hi, and I am looking forward to connecting.