An Imbolc Leo Full Moon

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are welcoming the cross quarter shift of Imbolc. There is a deep stir within the Earth. Now is the time to continue to nurture your dreams and to begin to prepare for the outer movement in the world at large that will come with March's Spring Equinox.


Until then, I personally am feeling a deep call to rest and restore my nervous system. Traveling is such a privilege, and it can be enriching, enlightening and exhausting. I am integrating after just over two weeks away in the South of India. This journey was profound and it is a delicate matter to pay homage to the wisdom received.


My own integration period makes me wonder what you are finessing at this early point within the year of 2023?


Surely each one of us will face great transformation this year. It is literally written within the stars. Saturn will shift into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius. The ramifications of these ingresses are already emerging with a greater influence of artificial intelligence in our daily lives.


Embracing our humanity is key for these times. We must not attempt to keep up with the machines in our lives. We need proper rest, high quality nutrition, human connection, sunshine and large quantities of slow magickal time in Nature.


On this Imbolc Leo Full Moon weekend my prayer is that you offer sweet soulful sanctuary to your inner child.


What does the little wise one that lives within your heart of hearts most desire at this time?

How may you fulfill these innocent wishes? 

I invite you to circle up with me in my latest pod, episode 77 of Stars, Stones and Stories for greater reflections on our current astrology.


If you are feeling fomo for not signing up for the current Skywalkers cohort, have no fear, I have extended the registration period! We have a group of brilliant souls colliding to learn the art and science of astrology, and I promise you will be astro literate by the end of our five week course.

Full Moon blessings,

Ra Ma ☥

ps. For the locals to AVL, I hope you will join me in Cosmic Elemental Yoga each Monday evening in February and March at West Asheville Yoga.