A Quantum Vision of Your Future

A week ago I left town to nurture my own heart and soul. I offered myself rare, rich quality time to gaze deeply into Mother Ocean and allow all to wash away that was ready to be released. It was a much needed space to prepare myself for the culmination of 2022.

I am now ready to share with you episode 57 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories: 2027. This episode is in honor of your future self--a quantum vision of your future. I hope you will take a listen with me. Thank you for your patience in bearing with me over a summer of inconsistent delivery of these medicine circles. I am renewed and ready to flow.

We culminate with a guided meditation that weaves the magick of labradorite. I love this stone as it is a talisman of protection and aligns you to connect deeply with your intuition. As I spoke about in 2027, intuition and your body's sacred signals are key for navigating these times.

This Saturday, Mars shifts into Gemini where he traverses until March 2023. This is a very distinct transit that will affect how you culminate this year of Hierosgamos. I've crafted a live virtual teaching where you may learn how to move through this astrology with widom and vitality. You may click through here to join me in the Mars Masterclass.

Infinite Blessings

Ra Ma ☥

woman praying in temple