A Treasure Map to Bless Your Journey

The Taurus Balsamic Moon is upon us, bestowing the space to reflect and review in preparation for the seeds we wish to plant moving forward. I am broadcasting this message to you from a conference where I am circling with other professional astrologers from across the globe in Tucson, Arizona. It feels so refreshing to come together as star siblings, and to simultaneously lean in to how I may show up even more clear, empathic, and strong in these celestial arts in service to you and this blossoming EarthSeed Temple Arts community. I'll rise at 3 am this Saturday to view the most auspicious marriage of Venus and Jupiter in the dark desert sky.


We are about to be eclipsed by the Lovers New Moon, a Taurus Moon that is ruled by Venus and conjunct Uranus. This New Moon will bestow a radical transformation of consciousness as we are timebending within the Eclipse season while the Uranian frequencies awaken and activate our super intuitive and non traditional potentials. 


Simultaneously in the Northern Hemisphere the Wheel of the Year is shifting to the peak of Spring, welcoming the fertility of Beltane. This season is the ultimate celebration of hierosgamos, as the archetype of the horned god marries the sensuality of the feminine Earth energies. This sacred marriage here on Terra Gaia is a demonstration of the Otherworldly nectar that is available for each one of us to experience as we attune our inherent sensuality. 


The Taurus New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse exact at 4:28 pm EDT on Saturday 30th of April offers a multitude of gifts which include quantum leaps, synchronicities becoming normalized, and each being's subtle awareness increasing. Less than 30 minutes after the exact alignment of the Lovers New Moon, Venus and Jupiter marry at 4:57 pm EDT at 27°55’ Pisces. This conjunction of the two brightest planets in the sky (after the Sun and Moon) who are known as the benefics since ancient times, will bestow great benevolence through their union. As they become one light Venus is exalted in Pisces and Jupiter is in his home sign, which amplifies their ability to radiate empathy, positivity and compassion. This is a prime time to invoke your high magick. 


Important Astrological Shifts to Consider:

29th April Pluto retrograde 28°35' Capricorn 2:36 pm EDT

29th April Mercury shifts into home sign of the Lovers in Gemini

29th April Dark Moon in Taurus after 8:18 pm EDT

30th April 10°28 Taurus New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse 4:28 pm EDT

30th April Venus Jupiter Conjunction 27°57 Pisces 4:57 pm EDT

11th May Mercury retrograde 4°51' Gemini

16th May 25°17' Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 12:13 pm EDT

A Treasure Map to Bless Your Journey

The blessed energy of Venus and Jupiter conjunction literally activates the dreams and desires of the previous Jupiter Neptune conjunction that we experienced mid April. This allows you to access the Otherworld including the Ancestors, the Little People, the Great Elemental Mothers, and other unseen high caliber frequencies. Given the potency of timebending with the Eclipses this is a phenomenal opportunity to set your intentions. As this New Moon is ruled by Venus and her positioning is prime, one of her greatest teachings will be emphasized through this lunation. She transmits that human liberty depends upon an intimate relationship to the natural world. 


Given that Eclipses are wild times make sure you are drinking extra water and resting as needed. Walking barefoot on the Earth and cold plunges in Nature or cold showers at home are revitalizing for the nervous system. Lengthen your breath as needed, and when in doubt, mentally chant victory as you place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, holding the vision of your success in your inner eye. This meditation is one of my favorite ways to create a solid field of protection around your body in all six directions, particularly if you are experiencing the swirling of the time collapse of the Eclipse.


Consider the timing of this Taurus New Moon and the Venus Jupiter conjunction in regards to your timezone, particularly the window of 4:28 pm-4:57 pm EDT on the 30th of April. During this time craft your own personalized ritual that includes writing down your intentions utilizing the language of I am easily and effortlessly finding myself. . .Craft 2-10 intentions that draw in stability and loving kindness in how you wish to participate in the architecture of the New Earth consciousness. Consider that which you value, how you share your resources in these times, and how you support others who offer that which you value.


After you’ve written these intentions down, speak them aloud as you stand tall facing the direction that feels least comfortable for you. Visualize where you wish to be in your life, and hold this vision in all of your senses. Feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it, and hear it. Take five deep breaths and turn 360° counterclockwise. As you work with the literal curve of the natural world, you are physically turning the energy around within your electromagnetic field. 


If you are called to have a one-on-one high caliber divination session, I encourage you to claim your session now, as I have very limited availability over the course of the next few months. I will be on pilgrimage abroad for six weeks and won’t open summer sessions until late July. For those who reside in Appalachia, you are invited to circle up in community in this upcoming four week series to navigate this Eclipse portal at West Asheville Yoga. I also have some other in person and virtual events you may join as you scroll down.


Boundless Venusian Blessings on this Beltane Faerie Eclipse Portal.


In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma


ps. I invite you to be kissed by the Fae in episode 50 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories: Beltane Faerie Eclipse Portal. This episode culminates with a deep guided Magdalene meditation and I guarantee you it will align you for this Venusian New Moon.