You are a Hologram for the Collective

Venus Day blessings beautiful. ​This Sunday we will experience one of the most significant alignments of not only 2022, but most likely our lifetimes. On the 20th of February at 11:49 am EST the United States will enter the first of three particular moments in time where transiting Pluto at roughly 28° Capricorn aligns with the position of Pluto in the birth chart of this nation.

Regardless of where one resides in the world, the collective is surely to be impacted, as the US has been a domineering country in the global community for many years. I am offering a live teaching about the potency of this alignment through the lens of astrology which will coincide with a global meditation and an understanding of a practice you may be inspired to utilize throughout the year. This is a complimentary offering that welcomes any donations via venmo @ramatribe for those who are inspired. You are cordially invited!

I would love to see you this Tuesday, as we have these three points in February, July and December that are times where we have direct access to navigate this magnificent process of transformation. We will utilize the 2/22/22 portal as a platform of harmony and divine love for this teaching and meditation. It will not be recorded, so please come live if you are able (I realize this is late for some time zones and trust you will make it if possible).

The truth is that we live in phenomenal times and how we show up in our individual lives creates a hologram for the collective reality.

The US Pluto Return is a moment of resurrection and renewal for all of humanity, and opens another gateway into the Aquarian Age.

​As I said in my last podcast, The Year of the Lovers, 'This astrology is one for the books. When people speak of how we are building this Ancient Future New Earth, although it might sound woo to you on some level, it is absolutely grounded in the astrology we are immersed within. When we understand astrology, we know that well respected scientists, doctors, philosophers and others thousands and thousands of years ago were all astrologers, as this is an art and science'.

Beyond the Pluto Return we have a blessed Pisces New Moon at the beginning of March and then by mid April the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces. I will be podcasting about this in upcoming Stars, Stones, and Stories episodes, however I encourage you to book a private divination session to activate and apply this astrology to serve you through this Ancient Future New Earth consciousness.

Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma

priestess standing in Egyptian Temple with rays of light shining forth