Aim For the Highest Timeline with the Sagittarius New Moon

This week has most likely asked for you to allow a space of deep integration from the Samhain Eclipse portal. I have heard many stories from people of how challenging the seven days after the Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse have been. I have heard stories of surprising accidents and unexpected hospital visits. I would like to remind you that the North Node met up with Uranus in Taurus on this Lunar Eclipse therefore unpredictability is still on the horizon.

When I was recently interviewed on the Phoenix Rising Podcast, I was asked by Lisa about how I feel about the future. I replied that I am an eternal optimist. Within the next week we will be fully immersed within Sagittarius Season, as the Sun and Moon will also join Venus and Mercury within this fiery, passionate, adventurous and philosophical sign. To receive the full transmission of this week's astrology and how to vision through these times, circle up with me within episode 66 of Stars, Stones and Stories.

On a personal note, I received a wave of inspiration over the last few days encouraging me to postpone Skywalkers: Foundations in Astrology for February 2023, and instead spend this late Fall and early Winter completing the book I began back in the Fall of 2018. If you know you wish to join us for Skywalkers, you may pre register now to receive 11% off. You may use code SKYWALKERS which will be valid until 1 December 2022.

For the locals of Appalachia, I invite you to circle up in honor of the Sagittarius Dark Moon Women's Wisdom Council this coming Tuesday, 22nd November 7-9 pm at my new residence. Also, I'm looking forward to offering a 5 week Cosmic Elemental Yoga Series at West Asheville Yoga each Thursday evening in December. I hope you will join us!

Infinite Blessings,

Ra Ma ☥

Ra Ma and her daughter happy with the stones