☿ Mercury Rx Season: The symbols live deep within

Welcome to Mercury retrograde season. Now to be honest, I deeply respect and at times even enjoy Mercury retrogrades. I find it hilarious how pop astrology blows them out of the water. Mercury retrogrades every year three or four times, so this is a natural ebb and flow of life.

That being said, this Mercury retro is happening in its rulership meaning that we are more than likely to witness the impact. In addition this astronomical event transpires sandwiched between two Eclipses and just days after Saturn stationed retrograde, therefore this season could be dramatic and deeply impactful, with a reverberation that stands the test of time.

Mercury is the messenger god of mind soul connection that teaches us how to navigate the realms of Spirit and Matter. Mercury is your capacity to think, speak, learn, and reason, and this is amplified in the sign of Gemini which is a dualistic energetic that is focused on a need to communicate.

When Mercury retrogrades he takes on the role of the psychopomp, therefore there is less ability to focus on the mundane and more on the subtle energetics of how one uses the powers of the mind, language, and intelligence. I believe these times can be profound and transformative if one uses them as opportunities to turn inward, to craft space for reflection, and to refine their forms of expression.

This particular Mercury retrograde is also conjunct Venus in Gemini therefore we are also being asked to restore our connection in the way we speak about our social values. Consider exploring new wave education. There is a frequency in this Mercury retrograde that points to symbolism.

Slow down so that you may notice the signs and synchronicities through which the multiverse is communicating to you. Perhaps you may gain greater insights to realize your purpose and destiny.

We can go backwards, we can go forwards, we can go deep within. The symbols live deep within. They are stored within the codes of our ancestral memories, our starry origins.


Expect travel and communication snafus this Mercury retrograde season. The shadow of Mercury retrograde began May 15th and he will station retrograde this Saturday at 6:35 pm EDT at 25° Gemini. Mercury spins direct on June 23rd at 17° and finalizes his shadow dance on July 7th. To discover more, dive into episode 28 of Stars, Stones, and Stories or book a Memorial Day weekend astrology session at Earth Magick.