Summer Solstice 2021

As the roots of our Gemini New Moon intentions go deep into Earth, the stems and leaves of possibility are awakened through inspired action. This is a time where we may use the increasing light with momentum to clear away obstacles. The Beltane Eclipse season is assimilated through our bones and the stones of Mother Earth. Many of us have faced great shadows, slayed a few demons, found buried strength, and are beginning striking new chapters. Your ability to meet crises head on gives you a powerful strength to rise to any occasion.

Jupiter, planet of enrichment and expansion, shifts retrograde on Sunday, June 20th at 3° Pisces. Jupiter will travel backwards through Pisces until the end of July and then shift into Aquarius, retrograding through mid October. This retrograde encourages you to carve out space for spiritual introspection; a time to clear away any shadow behaviors and generously expand horizons through receptivity and new ideas. As Jupiter spins backwards he is bolstered by a grand trine in the skies, offering an abundance of nurturing, compassionate and mysterious possibilities through this transit.

Sunday we welcome the Zenith of the Sun as the collective will and source shifts from Gemini to Cancer at 11:33 pm EDT. Midsummer, also known as Summer Solstice, Litha, and the Festival of Attainment is a time to honor the ripeness and the fertility of the Land. The greens are abundant, while the herbs and flowers are plentiful. You may use this day of Midsummer to focus and charge with healing and positive intent all you wish to be. We welcome the duality of all things, as we reach the turning point of the solar year, where the cosmic wheel stops and starts again. There is value in the dark, as this creates rich, potent soil for new growth. The outer energy begins to wane and the inner energy begins to expand. If you are seeking a way to offer this turn of the Great Wheel of Time, consider joining me for this special Midsummer Festival on June 19th in Barnardsville.


As always, I encourage you to dive into my podcast where I speak to these transits in depth and culminate with a guided meditation for your integration. Episode 30 is now live! I'll be offering readings at Earth Magick this Sunday 3-7 pm, or you may book direct with me for later in June.

Expect the feels to be full on this upcoming Moonday June 21st. The Scorpio Moon merges with Venus in Cancer, and Neptune conjunct Pallas Athene in Pisces. Monday is naturally attuned to deep ceremony, water rebirthing, and devotional prayers to the Great Mother as the heart through the Venusian Gate and the High Heart from the Neptunian Ray merge with collective consciousness through light, color, form, and deep intuition. Nature walking, journaling, divination, and offerings are excellent ways to utilize these frequencies as we anchor into Lithia. As Mercury stations direct on Tuesday, he begins to emerge from his psychopomp dance. Answers and clarity will flow forth, particularly from the Total Solar Eclipse, yet much of the planetary focus is drawing each one of us within. 2021 has brought great intensity for many of us, and as we welcome Summer this is a natural time to reassess your intentions for the year and to recalibrate your course if need be. Call upon the strength of the Sun to shine bright and inspire you, for ultimately this is a beautiful time to enjoy and celebrate all that is.