Ring of Fire Total Solar Eclipse

Perhaps things have been feeling a bit wild lately? Sudden endings, people appearing from the past out of the blue, and bright new possibilities? We've been traversing the Beltane Eclipse portal since May, and this Thursday we greet the Ring of Fire Total Solar Eclipse in Gemini.

The New Moon is exact Thursday June 10th, at 6:53 am EDT. Although the Eclipse will only be partially visible in North America, you may catch a glimpse from 4:12-9:11 am EDT. That being said, I always invite people to follow the path of the Ancients when it comes to Eclipses. During the exact alignment it's ideal to be deep in meditation, prayer, a dream state, or in some act of devotion.

Eclipses open up new dimensions in our lives while simultaneously offering an opportunity to close chapters. They occur when the dragon's head and tail known as the Nodes of the Moon are conjunct either the Sun or the Moon. They arrive in pairs, and at times in triads, working together as a unit to mark 18-19 year cycles, which contain threads of stories that one could trace for 36, 54, 72, and even beyond 1000 years.

Gemini is the dance of duality that through the power of the mind, lifts one to unity consciousness. Gemini carries the light and dark, the yang and the yin to display the archetypes of the scribe, the storyteller, and the Fool. This Gemini New Moon emphasizes communication, being curious and open minded, adapting beyond perceived limitations. One could say this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse is burning the dross off to define a space for each one of us to awaken to our highest self. I often speak about timebending and timeline jumping with Eclipses, and if you wish to know more, I invite you to dive into episode 29 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories to discover more.

As this New Moon Eclipse is conjunct Mercury retrograde he dons his psychopomp attire. Mercury utilizes the power of the mind to navigate the realms of both Spirit and Matter. As psychopomp Mercury traverses beyond this dimension to the Otherworld, communicating with the gods on behalf of humanity. Our overculture defies Mercury retrogrades as we are encouraged to produce and consume 24/7. However, Mercury retrogrades are a natural ebb and flow within the cosmos as they occur three to four times annually. As we remember the Language of the Aquarian Age, also known as Astrology, we learn to dance with the Cosmos.

As Mercury rules the central nervous system, within this Eclipse portal particularly take good care of yourself. Rest well, drink vast amounts of water, take hot salt baths and cold showers, walk barefoot on Mother Earth, and welcome simple pleasures like indulging in fresh peaches and laughing with beloveds. During this Eclipse and for the week beyond expect to receive great insights, epiphanies, and to face your shadow and your fears. Essentially this is a potent time to get real.

You are lifting the burdens of your Ancestral lineage, and this Ring of Fire Eclipse is offering a golden opportunity to alchemize the lead into gold. Are you willing to meet the Cosmos in this dance?


On Friday, June 11th Mars shifts into passionate and creative Leo, ramping up our instincts through the chambers of the Heart. Throughout the weekend we have an opportunity to reflect and integrate the healing power of this Beltane Eclipse portal. On Monday we arrive to Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. This is the second installment of 2021, with the first square occurring mid February and the grand finale late December. This second square as Saturn in Aquarius is retrograde is offering a time to enact and apply change to the story that surfaced late Winter.

We are meeting head on the dark side of the Age of Aquarius as collectively we must ask who rules technology, what is privacy, and who owns the sky? Uranus in Taurus liberates our connection to Earth. The way through is always in. As chaos abounds, take radical time to go within.

As always, I encourage you to dive into my podcast where I speak to these transits in depth and culminate with a guided meditation for your integration. I'll be offering readings at Earth Magick this Eclipse weekend and would love to witness you in your journey.

Blessed be,

Ra Ma