Life is Ceremonial Art

Life is Ceremonial Art Episode 27 of Stars, Stones, and Stories just dropped. This is the year anniversary, as I've officially been podcasting for 52 weeks. I hope you'll tune in with me here.

This weekend Venus shifts into social and inquisitive Gemini. Collectively we are seeking our thoughts and ideas to be stimulated through the powers of the mind. The nature of Gemini is like the great butterfly medicine of duality. With the messenger god of our capacity to learn and share information, and goddess of love, beauty, and all that we value in airy Gemini, playfulness is available in a newfound way. May you invite in more laughter, activating your inner child.

The Moon rebirths in earthy and sensual Taurus on Tuesday, May 11th at 2:59 pm. The New Moon is practical, yet not so stable as it is widely married to Uranus in Taurus. There is a call to seed the visions that root us into our personal and collective liberation. I hope you will consider joining me for a live Dark Moon gathering Monday night in West Asheville, or a virtual New Moon Council on Tuesday night.

On Thursday May 13th Jupiter moves into Pisces for a brief rendezvous into early July. This will shed light on what Jupiter wishes to bestow upon you in 2022. Jupiter teaches through expansion and relates to how each one of us seek meaning in life. In one of his home signs of Pisces, Jupiter wishes to deepen emotional connections and explore the hidden realms of the great collective consciousness. For a deeper understanding check out where Pisces lives in your chart to learn how you may utilize this energy. Better yet, book a reading with me to explore your current curriculum.

Dark Moon Blessings,

Ra Ma
