From StarSeed to EarthSeed

On this Venus Day Friday, Mercury comes to meet up with Chiron in Aries. What we have been knee deep in the depths of healing, particularly around our own inner connection to the Divine Masculine is now being communicated through passionate Mercury in Aries. We are currently pioneering our paths to our Future selves with the Aries stellium that includes Chiron, Mercury, Ceres, the Sun, Venus, and Eris.

There is great energy flowing through the cosmos to harness, offering enthusiasm and an inspirational stream that we haven't felt in some time. This energy is being channeled through the Seat of Self, through our ability to heal, nurture, love, communicate, and also our ability to allow chaos to clear out the cobwebs. However, it is essential to beware of being too coarse, reckless, or irresponsible right now. Grounding practices will assist with tempering this creative fiery influence. To connect to Earth daily is essential in these times.

As the weekend continues we enter the Dark of the Moon phase. This is a time of reflection, shedding, and dissolving. Our culture is still learning how to let go, how to honor loss. The Balsamic phase is the void. Through the stillness you may find both intensity and magick. This Saturday and Sunday are beautiful times to go within, meditate, scry with your beloved crystals, take healing baths, cleanse your tarot decks, and offer your gratitude to Mother Earth. Late Sunday night, at 10:30 pm we welcome the Aries New Moon. As we are still in the midst of dissolving the old paradigms and Venus squares Pluto within this lunation, continue to develop your self-awareness by rooting deeply into your values. This is the way through metamorphosis.

Each Aries New Moon offers a rebirth to the Zodiacal Wheel of the Year, as we emerge with our dreams and intentions for both the lunar cycle to come, and the next thirteen moons. Cast your net deep, wide, and far. Consider your month to come, your year to come, the next five years ahead, and your twenty five year vision which will bring you through to the completion of Pluto in Aquarius. For those who identify as womxn, if you wish to dive deeper into this Aries New Moon, consider joining me in a virtual council on Monday, April 12th at 7:30 pm.


It is my vision to ensure that EarthSeed welcomes people of all kinds, stages of life, from diverse geographies and backgrounds, and economic circumstances. I am pleased to offer limited scholarships for EarthSeed to make this course available to a greater variety of people.

The scholarship amount is $100 off of the investment of $297, making the scholarship offer to $197. There are a limited number of scholarships available, and all applications must be received by Monday, April 12th at noon EDT.

There is a very simple application process, and it is expected that you will apply in good faith, with care, and a clear description of your circumstances. To apply, visit this link:

The timeline is tight. You will receive notification by Monday, April 12th at 5 pm EDT and will need to fully enroll in EarthSeed by Tuesday, April 13th at noon EDT, as we begin at 2 pm EDT for our first teaching session.

In the meantime, I invite you to dive into episode 25 of Stars, Stones, and Stories here.