Harnessing the Liminal

Liminal spaces are transitional states, between life and death, or between this world and the Otherworld. As the Sun has shifted into Pisces, we are officially in the season of imagination. Venus will join the Sun this Sunday, shifting into one of her favorite spaces of sensitivity, intuition, and the psychic realms.

As I write this I am gazing into candlelight and absorbing the scents handcrafted from the realms of Avalon. Creating space for the senses to come alive is a way to honor this human experience. Living a spiritual or religious life is by no means separate from living an Earthly life. In fact, a true embodiment of the Divine involves harnessing the liminal within 3d reality, welcoming the Otherworld into the mundane.

Pisces Season is an opportunity to channel your artistic and mystical side. This is a time to step into the dreamscape, whether it is between daydreams and nightdreams, we have an opportunity to explore the unconditionally loving and oceanic parts of self. However, with this deep dive, it is key to avoid escaping the task at hand, or being too hermetic. Boundaries are called for in this season. I welcome you to harness the liminal as you continue to build upon your great Aquarian intentions that were cast with the Aquarian New Moon.


Mercury stations direct on February 20th and in episode 21 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories we explore the psychopomp's journey in Aquarius. (With)in the Aquarian Void: A Well of Co-Creation is a time of reflection, bringing together the past, present, and future. The current astrology, including the first Saturn Uranus square will be explored. We will trace through the curriculum of topics covered in the previous episodes as an ode to integrate the reverberation of the Great Solstice Conjunction.

This episode culminates with a replay of the Great Conjunction meditation that was offered a guided meditation to visit the Earth’s Akasha and holy spaces. Trust me, even though we mirror previous concepts, this episode is fresh! I hope you will take a listen. If you have listened, please drop me a line and let me know what you most enjoy about these podcasts. I'd love to hear from you!